Part XXII: The Blood of The Gods

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As Kratos beheaded Helios, the God of the Sun, Greece, was plagued with thunderstorms and eternal darkness before the arrival of the New Pantheon. Who knew that Helios' death would've had such devastating effects on humanity? - After the fall of Helios by Kratos' hands.

Kratos and I made eye contact, and I sighed.

"We're going to give you the chance to surrender," I tell Magni, cracking my fists as Kratos cracks his neck.

The God laughs. "Surrender?"

"You could live to fight another day," Kratos says, weilding his axe.

Suddenly, Magni and Modi come together and yell out something. We're surrounded in a thick black fog, and my night vision doesn't work at all.

"I can't see," Atreus says as I pull him towards me. Kratos and I have our backs to Atreus's, and Damon is in between his legs, ready to pounce. Kratos keeps out his axe as I unsheathe my blades.

They continue to torment Atreus over his mother.

They come at us through the fog, and we deflect them until I grab one of their faces as they rush to us and toss him away.
I grit my teeth and pull Atreus and Kratos closer as I inhale the fog and blow out fire, making it swirl around Atreus, Kratos, Damon, and I, causing the brothers to recieve burns. They stumble back, and the fog disappears.

Smoke comes from my mouth, and I breathe softly. Kratos looks to me, and our eyes lock, and we give a nod. Our idea already goes through our heads. We look to Atreus and silently nod. He nods as well, so we assume he knows the plan. Kratos puts out his shield, and Damon is standing in front of him, preparing to attack whenever Kratos commands it.

Kratos' shield is tilted down, and Atreus and I run up the shield. Atreus pulls his bow back, and as we jump off the shield, he fires his arrows at Modi. I jump up, and I pull my fist back, colliding it with Magni's face, sending him crashing into the mountain.

Modi tries to rush at Atreus, but Atreus fires several arrows into him, piercing his flesh. It's not enough to kill him at all, and he knocks them out of him. I turn to Modi and let Kratos deal with Magni. I use my shield to block any incoming attack.

I spun in the air, throwing my shield as Magni, which catches him off guard. Unleashing my blades, I hold them both tightly.

"Your mother must have been some whore to lay with the likes of him." Modi says, as Magni slams his blade on Kratos' shield.

Atreus gets angry, immediately causing him to draw his knife and yell that he'll kill him.

"Atreus!" I yell out.

"Atreus, control yourself," Kratos says as he knocks the blade away from Magni. I go to try and support Atreus but my eyes widened as Kratos drives his axe into Magni's sides and pressing it into his face. Atreus gets smacked by Modi and I rush up and kick him in his chest.

Modi has a shocked expression as his brother laid dead and he began to run.

"Come back you damn coward!" Atreus yells, firing arrows. I immediately grab his shoulder.


"YOU DIDN'T HEAR WHAT HE SAID ABOUT MOTHER-" his yelling gets paused as he begins coughing up blood.

"The sickness...the fever has returned." Kratos says.

"No! It hasn't..."


I grab both of Atreus' shoulders.

"Listen well...both of you."

Damon's ears perk up.

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