Part II: Hydras, A Gift and a Serpent

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"You've got to be kidding me," I mumbled to myself, "this is for the stamina test right?"

Queen Amphrite smiled. "Smart girl," she said, putting a beautiful shell in my hand. I sighed.

"My queen, this is utterly ridiculous. Hydras regrow their heads, growing more when you cut one off," I said, tilting my head back, "I hate being the champion of the gods sometimes!"

The queen laughed a bit as she pulled me as close as she could to the piece of land that the Hydra was on. "This is as far as I go, seashell," Queen Amphitrite said, placing her hand on my head. "Go kill that thing. I believe in you! From back here of course!" She said, sounding like a supportive mother.

She disappeared and I began to make my way towards the Hydra but a being caught my eye: a long- no...giant snake like creature in the distance. There wasnt a creature like that elsewhere. None recorded in the sacred texts of the Gods or the Olympians.

The gods and godesses looking at me didnt alert me at all as my body seemed to get the better of me. Curiosity was overtaking me as I swam towards the direction of the serpent. I felt the connection of the gods temporarily sever as I got close to it. The serpent moved as if it was the waves themselves. Its head peeked above the waters and stared at me. Eyes pierced mine as it rose its head and neck above water.

I've seen it in many dreams before but I've never thought I'd see it with my own eyes.

"You're like a python! Large serpent," I exclaimed as it allowed me to touch its face. My eyes widened. "You're called Jormungandr, not from this land." How did I even know that? My jewel on my forehead glowed brightly as the serpent spoke.

It spoke in a language not even the Gods taught me but I looked at the serpent, it was gigantic and snake-like with cold eyes.

Eru þú ór aesir blood, smár einn?
Are you of Aesir blood, little one?

My eyes widened and I shook my head. I understood him so easily all of a sudden and it scared me, no, utterly terrified me.

I opened my mouth to speak as the serpent glared me down. It was intense and I had no intentions of angering the beast. The gods and goddesses of Olympus weren't observing, I felt the connection cut as Jormungandr and I spoke.

Nei, ég er dóttir Lyssandra og morðingi. Ég er þó guð, Jormungandr.
"No, I replied, I am the daughter of Lyssandra and a murderer. I am a powerful deity, Jormungandr."

He looked startled, as I replied in it's own tongue. Don't worry, I'm just as startled that I can understand and speak the language. My eyes widened as I realized I still had to fight the Hydra. Today is my big day after all.

"I will speak with you at a later time, there's a beast I must slay," I said, slowly placing my hand on the Serpent's scaly face.

"You are chosen" It said in it's own native tongue as I was whisked away from the misty part of the sea where the serpent was.

I turned towards the island where the resurrected Hydra was. It's two heads already alert and searching frantically for what being was giving off that vast amount of energy: Me.

I smirked and watched as the Hydra taunted me from afar. I flipped my sword and tilted my head. "I will send you back to the depths of Hades, foul beast," I spoke, quickly gliding on the water towards the island. One of the heads darted towards me and knocked the water from under my feet, causing me to jump in the air. I gripped my sword and looked down at the beast with a fiery feeling in my chest. Not like Hestia's warm and gentle fire, but an emotionless, merciless and a destructive type of fire.

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