~~Fallen Night~~

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The night was still young

You waited patiently outside of Oncelers tent

And then, he stepped out, wearing his usual clothes instead of pyjamas, a satchel in hand

Onceler: Okay, show me where this town is

Y/N: Alright, this way

You started walking off with him following behind you, including the animals

You walked over hills and little rocks. The Moon shining through the truffula trees and into the moist grass in the humid air

It was only a few minutes walk, then the Onceler gasps in excitement when you both stop

In the distance, the lights of the town beautifully illuminated the stone roads and it's historic architecture

The Onceler, excited by this new town, starts walking forwards. However you stood still

He notices this a few steps in and he looks back at you

Onceler: Aren't you coming?

You avoid his gaze as you look down

Y/N: I... I can't

Onceler: Why not?

Y/N: I need to stay here... With the animals... They can't function without me...

Onceler: Really? Because they looked fine before you got here, soo...?

You roll your eyes in defeat and then sigh

Y/N: I just... I've never walked into a town before...

He raises an eyebrow in curiosity

Onceler: Never? But how did you know it was here in the first place?

Still avoiding his gaze, you sigh again

Y/N: I don't know... I just... Knew, okay? I can't explain it

You cross your arms looking down, still avoiding to look at him. Onceler looks at the town, then back to you

He gives you a comforting smile as he walks back to you and outstretches his hand

You stare at his hand, then look up to meet his eyes. There was a look of friendliness on his face

One that he hasn't shown until now

Onceler: It's okay. We can explore it together

A little skeptic of his friendliness, you raise a brow

Y/N: Really?

Onceler: Yeah. We'll take it one step at a time

Your eyes lighten at his words. You look back to his hand outstretched to you. Onceler stands there waiting for your next move

You hesitantly raise your hand to his. Your fingertips brushing against his palm before connecting your whole hand to his, holding it tight with a nervous grip

His fingers wrap around your hand. You feel your face warm up at this newfound connection

He begins to walk closer to the town, you still being hesitant, walked slower than him. It almost felt as if he was pulling you, dragging you even, but also taking it at your pace

The animals stayed behind, going back into the shadows of the forest, so it was just you and Onceler

Once you entered the town, and put your bare feet onto it's pavements, it didn't feel so bad or nerve wracking

UNLESS [Onceler X Reader] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن