~~The Stump~~

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You open your eyes, and you feel strange

Like you were breathing for the first time

Blinking for the first time




At that moment, something whispered in your ear again

It told you everything you needed to prevent and protect

It told you for your duty

Whoever was telling you this...

You knew...

You couldn't fail them

Something inside you told you that this is what you were meant to do

You lifted your head and torso up. Thankfully the screaming stopped, but you had a bad headache

You held your head with one hand

Y/N: Ugh... My head...

Your eyes widen

It was the first time you had ever heard your voice

You knew you could talk, but never knew how you sounded

You touch your hair for the first time, you take a look at it

It's a bright fluorescent orange

(sorry gingers, if u already have orange hair, it's even more orange :>)

Then you take a look at your body

On your arms, there were orange markings of what looked to be tree roots

The same markings were on your hands, your stomach, your thighs, and your feet

You wore...

★Girls: a white fabric dress, sleeveless and went down to your lower thigh

★Boys: Fabric white long-sleeve shirt, and fabric long pants

★Non-binary: You can decide on either girls or boys :)

(there will be an outfit change later)

You then looked up around you

The ground was covered with grass as green as emerald. The feel of it between your fingers and bare feet was a new sensation

The lakes were clear like diamonds, fresh, and running through the fields. The water inviting

The sky was light blue, lush clouds painting it. The sun making everything bright and warm

The trees looked as soft as a rabbit, their colors warm, and their figures elegant

Truffula trees...

But something about these trees

You could hear it...

Their heartbeats

The trees were alive, they were breathing, they're happy

You slowly turn around where you are sitting, and you feel your heart stop for one second

It was a tree... But...

It had been cut fully from it's neck, exposing it's inner bark

That tree...

That was what made the screams

It was what made the cries for help

But it was too late, it's breath had stopped, and it's heart stopped beating

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