Edward burst out laughing, and instead of soothing Ella, it seemed to creep her out even more.

Elora placed a hand on his shoulder, and he stopped immediately.

"What can I do for you, Your Majesties?" Ella asked, not looking at her, or Elena.

She's still mad at you for fooling her, Elora reminded herself.

"We found our daughter," Edward said finally, though he was still smiling.

"You mean... Ella?" she asked, her eyes widening, before smiling gleefully. "Oh that's amazing!".

"Yes, it is," Elena said, but Ella still didn't look at her.

"Does Eric know? Oh, he'll be so happy!" she said, before looking around. "Is she here? I'd love to meet her".

"Eric doesn't know," Edward said. "Ella herself doesn't know".

"Oh she isn't in the palace yet?".

"No, she is," Edward replied, looking at Elora and Elena for help.

"We haven't told her yet," Elena said.

"Why?" Ella asked, oblivious.

"We don't know how she'll take it," Edward said. "What if she hates us?".

Ella laughed, as though he had just said the funniest joke she had ever heard.

"You all are wonderful people. Kind. Just. She'll love you. Besides, who doesn't want to be a princess?" she asked before thoughtfully adding, "Well except me, that is".

"And why is that so?" Elora asked, finally speaking.

"I want to become a doctor," Ella said, almost proudly. "And staying in the palace for too long is like a dream turned into a nightmare. You have everything you want and need. Except for freedom".

She stared at the adults who seemed to be staring back at her.

Elora was having mixed emotions - Ella had said that she and Edward were wonderful people.

But she had also said that she never wanted to become a princess.

"Never mind me," Ella said, shaking her head dismissively before asking eagerly. "Tell me about her".

"Ella is the best of Edward and me," Elora began. "She plays the violin, she paints, she even gets angry like me".

She smiled as she spoke about her daughter, and Edward continued. "She hates wearing slippers or shoes or sandals, and also hates the smell of bacon, just like Elora".

"Wait a minute," Ella began, putting the pieces together. "That sounds like... me".

They stared at her, watching her take the information in.

The next thing she did, shocked them.

She laughed, throwing her head back, tears falling off her eyes.

"Oh my God, you got me good," she said, wiping the tears. "Did Eric or Luke put you up to this?".

"Denial," Elena said, waving and pulling a holographic screen up, showing all the evidence she had gathered.

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