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However much I say and try to completely discard the show, It seems impossible as I am too attached to Abhira, Harshali, and baby Abhir at this point, even though we don't see any more emotional connection between them, especially from Akshara's side due to the poor writing. The 20-minute run is merely a 3 to 4-minute watch for me after skipping all useless SS.

For the past 6 months DKP has been playing us fans and testing our patience again and again, then Rajan Shahi has the audacity to blame the audience after getting the backlash from fans, saying that no one wanted to watch Abhira and the TRP was dropping due to it. 

The Show was consistently in the top 3 because of Abhira. From the start, it was Harshali's chemistry and the cinematography, that attracted the audience to watch a cliche story whose promo was also a copy-paste from a Bengali show. 

Things could have turned out better but alas, it was the brainless writing that fans could not connect with. After the grandest and aesthetically magical Abhira wedding, the story should have gone a notch up but it just went downhill with their obsession to highlight Arohi's character.

Arrey, there were so many things they could have explored with Abhira's dynamics, but ghar ke kalesh se fursat mile tab na. I still can't believe the fact that they made a doctor's family so spineless and characterless, which is so horrible that it would win the race of a typical saas-bahu drama where everyone is busy plotting evil against people.

During the days of Abhira centric plot, their beautiful dream sequences, Akshara's accident, the confession, and the wedding the TRP was at its highest even crossing 3.3, even though I had complaints with the show for not giving Arohi a proper punishment for her crimes and now it seems that it will always stick to 2.1 unless Abhinav's character turns negative and a proper Abhira centric plot is introduced and they especially justify the black day and give a proper redemption to Akshara's character, make her realize the love she has for Abhimanyu.

But after watching Zama Habib's Insta story " A shipper thrives on emotional scraps, stolen glances, and did-they-or-didn't-they, tension" clears that he is not interested in reuniting Abhira, he just wants to play with the fan's emotions and wants to prove himself as the most superior being and is readily ruining Akshara's character to no return. 

Aside from the fans who get happy just seeing Abhira in one frame, like what Zama Habib wants, the rest of the audience has totally gotten disconnected from the show and the characters, especially with Akshara, to the point of slut shaming her, is proof enough of how badly the writing has ruined the show.

This week as well I don't think the TRP will have any significant changes even though Abhira are seen in the same frame as the plot is too poor and the show is still widely dominated by Abhinav's cringe. The story is like spilled milk, scattered everywhere, but the writer is too egoistic to wipe it clean. The show really needs an Abhira-centric writer ASAP. 

They blame Abhira as the issue for not getting TRP, even though they clearly know that the TRP is still at +2 and the show still ranks in the top 3 because of Abhira. I dare them to kill Abhimanyu, the show TRP will drop to negative.

The recent tracks had the potential of gaining the fan's trust again, like Abhimanyu's accident, Abhir's truth revelation, the surgery track and now Abhir knowing his dad's truth but Alas, each and every track was ruined because of Zama Habib's egoistic thought of demeaning fans wishes and wanting to mock the fans to no end. 

The initial story is not about the leads being with different people, the basic plot is not about the leads having 2nd marriage but about solving their issues and being together. Season 3 is all about Abhira, hence I just don't get it how come we don't see any ounce of love for Abhimanyu in Akshara's eyes or her actions? The fact that out of nowhere she was again singing that too the songs which were patent by Abhira, to Abhinav and did not have any flashbacks about it, perplexed me.

Abhinav's character is useless without Abhira, the character is itself thriving on Abhira's misfortune and the production says that Abhinav was roped in because no one wanted to watch Abhira, seriously they really are smoking some deep shit to come up with these kinds of statements and storylines.

And Now instead of showing Abhira's reunion, they are busy showing Kairav and Muskaan's wedding. Is it only me who did not connect with their love story, it might be because I always skipped episodes to only watch Abhira SS but still there was no depth in their story at all. 

The best thing the show ever did was to Introduce Abhira to us and actually take the due time to create their story till their wedding. The rest of the couples in the show are mere plots to increase the number of episodes be it Parth-Shefali, Neil-arohi, Kairav-muskan, Akshara-Abhinav, Abhimanyu-arohi, Kairav-anisha. All these so-called couples have no depth at all.

The production and everyone involved with the making of the show are in so much denial about reuniting Abhira, I always feel that the news of jay soni leaving the show which came after "Abhira till Infinity" trended on Twitter, and in a few hours, him refuting the rumors and having interviews about the same is just him and the show trying to ride the coattails of Abhira and Harshali's popularity.

I always say that I hope they reunite Abhira soon, but it looks like a far-fetched dream of mine now, the pace and the poor writing at which they are executing the show clearly say that it might take about half a year more for us to see our OG Abhira with the OG jaaniye again. 

Oh, how I miss them and yearn for them to reunite even after the worst separation and storyline ever is proof of how iconic Abhira was, is and will remain.

I just hope they stop showing Akshara and Abhinav hugging or even holding hands, Akshara chanting his name like he is lord Krishna himself but mostly her blaming Abhimanyu for even the smallest of things and breaking his heart to pieces if it's even possible to an already shattered heart.

If the makers really want to reunite Abhira, then they need to stop with Abhinav's god complex, stop making Akshara chant about how a saint of a person Abhinav is, how come her achieving her dream of becoming a lawyer is also for Abhinav's sake, like seriously, girl get a grip on your life duhh, can you please stop depending on others for once. Before she was financially dependent on Abhinav but after giving their marriage a chance she is even emotionally dependent on him now. When will the character grow up and own up to her mistakes?

Everyone in the show is like, I am a mother, I am always right when it comes to my kid, like seriously, I have not seen so many mothers who are soo wrong in every decision they ever took for their kid in one place.

Anyway, I have soo much to rant about Abhinav, Akshara, and the writers but maybe some other day. I just hope that the writers come to their senses soon or DKP should hire a new fresh writer or an Abhira fan to write the story as clearly, we are doing a much better job at that.

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