Alexius blew out a breath, those golden eyes lined with something indecipherable. "I'm telling you this now," he began, his gaze shifting fully to meet my own. "I'm putting Alexandria first. She is my priority. And she's who I'm here to protect. If it comes to it, I will choose her over this other she-wolf you all speak of."

My eyes narrowed. I hadn't expected him to value Victoria's life over that of his sisters, but I also hadn't expected him to be so overt about not valuing her life. I suppose his honesty was appreciated.

I only scoffed. "Don't let my delta hear you say that," I muttered. I don't need him to commit to anyone. Alexandria is mine to protect. And so is Victoria. His help, while useful, isn't anything I'm in desperate need of, not at this stage. I will get them back. And I will make Gabriel pay for so much as laying a hand on them.

Death and pain awaited him in my dungeons. And the same fate awaited anyone who tried to get in my way.

Alexius opened his mouth to respond, but just as he began to speak, Sebastian returned with a brief report.

"There is only one main entrance, Alpha, the front set of doors," he told me, coming to stand at my side. No back or side doors, then. Still, there had to be another way in. 

"Windows?" I asked

He nodded. "Two. Both look to be on the second floor. It would be hard to get in without alerting anyone inside."

And knowing Gabriel, he likely had men stationed around them, just as he did the entrance. It was either scale the walls and risk being heard, and killed, upon entry. Or enter through the front and apprehend whatever poor idiot is standing guard tonight.

The answer was obvious.

I looked to Alexius. He gave a sharp nod. It would be risky going in now without the cover of darkness. We all knew that.

"Tell the men to remain on standby. We're going in tonight."

Alexandria's pov:

Samuel and Azrael came to see me a few hours after Gabriel's visit. They arrived with news. And great concern. They told me three scouts had yet to report back at the end of their shifts and were presumably missing. Gabriel was on edge. No one left.

And it seemed he was making plans to relocate as soon as possible.

At the latest, we'd be gone by tomorrow.

But Gabriel hoped to leave tonight.

I wasn't a fool. I know this is our only chance at escape. The last thing we need is to be thrown in another unfamiliar room, with new seals barring my magic littered around the building. But I don't like that I would have to risk making a move without being completely certain.

And without being able to guarantee escape, or most especially, Victoria, Samuel, and Azrael's survival.

Gabriel valued me because I kept all his cards in play. He kept me alive because he had to. But that wasn't the case for them... and that thought terrified me more than anything else.

I'd rather risk being held forever than gamble with them. They had all noted my hesitation when awaiting my decision on our next move. That was when Victoria had stepped forward and said 'we leave tonight.'

The two fae had nodded their agreement. "We'll activate the seals. You'll be able to use your magic throughout the warehouse," Samuel said. But I was already shaking my head, already telling them that this was risky and we couldn't do it and it was a horrible idea.

"He'll kill you without a second thought," I murmured, my brows creasing, my voice no louder than a whisper, even talking to them like this could end them.

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