Chapter Twenty - Six

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"Neil," she said my name so softly and comforted me by rubbing my shoulder, the act made her come closer to me a bit. 

" I didn't mean to chipkali, I was just in a hurry that day to go see Avni mom since Ameer informed me that she suddenly became critical." my voice started to break and I hated that as I didn't want her to see me like this.

"Manjiri maa came in the middle and started to question me about my behavior has changed lately. I told her I'll answer her when I come back home, now I needed to go since it was urgent but she didn't listen. She was forcing me so much, that I lost control and...and" I felt something wet running down my cheeks, then I realized it was my tears.

Soon it turned into sobbing, "and I yelled at her" I cried more as the words left my mouth.

Aarohi soon pulled me into a hug and comforted me by saying some soothing words in my ear, "It's ok. You didn't mean to"

I hugged her back tightly as I needed one right now. I shoved my head to her neck and let the tears flow. Her right hand was lost in my hair and another was holding me up. 

We both were in that position for a long time. I stopped crying but still didn't let her go. The warm I'm getting from her made me hard to let her go and it seemed she didn't mind too.

But it only for few seconds, she broke the hug then.

I hugged him close to me as he started to cry, everyone knows how important is Manjiri maa and Abhimanyu to Neil. Seeing him like this made my heart ache, but why? It's not like I feel anything for him, or I do? No, I can't. We are just friends.

But hugging him felt so right and somehow it makes me want more.

No Aarohi. It's not right, you two are just friends.

Deciding, I just broke the hug. Yes, I missed the warmth but I had to.

"Hey, it's ok." I told him, wiping his tears stain from his cheek, I hold his face in my hand.

"What you did is wrong, but it was out of control. Not your fault, just go home and ask sorry to aunty and spend time with her. It will make her feel better." He just looked at me, then he gave the Neil Birla smile.

That's the smile.

"Neil, have you thought about telling Manjiri maa about Avni aunty?" I asked him, as I dropped my hand from his face. Soon he had to tell before Harsh Sir does and make a scene of it. He might will do.


"You know, you have to."

"Yeah but I don't know how she will react." His face showed the fear, and I do understand him. Suddenly telling your mom who raised you all along that you have found your real mom who gave birth to you is something unexplainable.

"Don't worry, all you need to do is make her feel that no matter what happens she will be your mom, and nothing can change it." I told him sincerely. Looking up, I told him "You know, not everyone gets the chance to be with their mother, but you have two now. So don't do anything that mess up what you have now."

Tears started to gather but I blinked away and controlled the urge to cry. I can't when Neil is like this now. I'm the one who have to comfort him not the other way around.

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