Empty Threats (II)

Start from the beginning

But it could be anywhere. This was worse than a needle in a haystack. It was searching for invisible writing in a room full of bare walls. At least I could cross out the ceiling, since it was likely near impossible to draw anything at such a weird angle. Great. That just leaves... every part of these four walls.

Gabriel had either assumed I knew nothing about seals, or that I wouldn't have enough time to find it. Or enough energy. These chains were starting to weigh on me, the silver lining stinging my skin and stripping my strength with every second that passed.

Which was why I had to search now. We had to find a way out before I became completely useless.

This would all be a lot easier if I had gotten around to learning how to draw teleportation circles with my blood. But they were too complex and every part of them had to be perfect for it to work. I have no clue where to even begin. And Gabriel likely knew of my inexperience, or else he would've had me under constant supervision.

Regardless, his seal had to be somewhere beyond my reach. Further up the walls, then. But I had to find a specific area to focus on. There was no way to recognize a seal with the naked eye, I'd have to draw one of my own to lift the masking spell. And since I didn't have my magic to activate it, I'd have to use my blood.

If anyone noticed me bleeding in random corners, they'd know we were up to something. The trick Gabriel had pulled in Livius' dungeons wouldn't work here. I had to be certain. Or nearly certain. But how...

My gaze drifted to Victoria, who was staring questioningly at the wall my hand was on.

I blinked, a thought occurring.

"Can you shift?"

She frowned. "I haven't tried. But I think I can. There's no point though, it won't help with anything."

Gabriel had sealed this room to contain me, and shifting was out of the question with these chains. But Victoria...

Victoria wasn't a threat to him. Even if she turned into a pretty little wolf, it would make no difference, and it wouldn't be enough to overpower anyone.

But I didn't need her claws. I needed her senses. Everything was heightened in wolf form. I couldn't smell Gabriel anywhere in this room, but a wolf might be able to.

I waved. "Give it a go."

Her brows creased for a long moment, but she heeded my request and gestured for me to turn as she removed her clothes. She melted into a small brown wolf, her fur a few shades darker than her hair color.

"Adorable," I gushed sarcastically, and she somehow managed to give me her signature glare, even as an animal.

Victoria sat down and tilted her head, awaiting direction as her ears perked and twitched with every sound.

I had never been more grateful to have her than I was in this moment.

I moved to stand beside her, my hand darting out to pull her large ear. She recoiled, her ears folding against her head as she instantly turned to bare her fangs at me. I chuckled and kneeled beside her. "That's for all the shit you said when we met."

Victoria shifted angrily, irritation still lining her features, but a familiar glint of guilt appeared in her gaze.

She didn't snarl again.

I smiled and smoothed over her fur. "Now, we're even. Buy me a latte later and I'll dub you my best friend for life."

Victoria gave me a pointed look, the guilt fading and incredulous judgment appearing in her gaze. Then she huffed and rolled her eyes.

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