"Kaito!!!!!" she yelled.

The beast approached Kaito. It had a red skin and a long sharp claw on its right wrist.

Kaito stood up and slowly walked back with fear in his eyes as the creature slowly approached him while showing its claws. But then, Kaito fell and the creature is now just a few inches in front of him. The creature lifted its Claws and about to stab him, Kaito quickly covered his face with his arms.




Kaito waited and he felt nothing until he lowered his hand and opened his eyes and saw something that shocked him.

"Guh...." he sees Yui standing in front of him facing him and spitting blood as Kaito sees the claws go through her stomach.

"Mom....." Kaito's eyes widened.

"Kaito...." she said his name with a faint smile.

"Kaito, be a good boy, okay..... Mom can't accompany you from here on...." She coughed and blood came out. Her hand slowly landed on Kaito's head.

"Listen to me.... go as far from here, okay..... But, don't be sad about me or your Dad if we weren't able to be by your side... After all, we will always be inside your heart... No matter what happens, we will always be there to stay with you and support you... No matter what..." Yui said as she caressed his head.

"I.... will... always.... love you..." She said again

The creature pulled out its claw and Yui's body slowly fell down towards the ground.

"Mom..." Kaito shook her body.

"Mom... wake up..." he trembled and tears started to form in his eyes.

"Mom... Mom... Please... Wake up.... Don't leave me here!" he started to cry.

The Creature roared and Kaito looked at it.

"You...!!!" he said while looking at the creature with a look of hatred.

The Creature about to stab Kaito but something happened-

[Present Day, Mei's POV]

"And... After that, I didn't remember a thing... All I know is that I woke up in an orphanage," Kaito said.

I was utterly shocked about his past.

"Then... What happened ? When you woke up." I asked right away

"I met a woman named Cocolia... She is the owner of the orphanage that I had been staying at ever since the moment I woke up without knowing anything. She decided to take me into custody in her orphanage, and thanks to that I met Alan, Bronya, and others." He looked at Alan and Bronya for a moment.

"Others ?" I asked again

"Yeah... There are also other girls... The girls in the orphanage see Alan and me as a big brother figure... We always help them and scold them if they do something bad, but nevertheless... They are important to me. But, now that we're talking about them, I wonder... how is everyone doing while I'm away". He looked up at the ceiling

"Then.. What happened... Why are you away from the orphanage ?" I asked him again about the reason he was away from the place.

"I have my personal reason for leaving... And... I'd rather not talk about it," He said and showed a bitter expression. Looking at that I decided to not talk further about the question and leave it be.

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