Chapter 10: City of Lava

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As soon as we're inside, things cool down by a lot! Crimson carefully sets Astral on the couch so that he can rest. Black Mist sits beside his brother, and the rest of us sit wherever.

"So, care to introduce me to these people you've brought?" the guy asks.

Crimson nods. "The black one is my king, Number 96 Black Mist. The one laying beside him is the prince and his brother, Number 100 Red Nova Sorcerer. These two over here are Amber and Bura, Nova's..." He searches for the right words. "...Demon siblings."


He then turns to us. "This man here is my very good friend Coal." He then turns serious. "Mind you, he is only a friend."

Coal smiles knowingly at Crimson. "Oh, don't be like that," he purrs. He then addresses us. "Welcome to the City of Lava! Everything here is made from either lava, obsidian, and anything in between. Unlike other places, we don't have the luxury of having multiple materials to make things, but we have been successful in making things." He then goes back to Crimson with a suggestive grin. "So, have you come up with an answer yet?"

Crimson, after a small moment of silence, ends up laughing like a maniac. I've honestly never seen him laugh this much, and by the look on Black Mist's face, he's never seen this either. He literally has to take his mask off so that he can breathe better while laughing. "C...Coal, wh-whatever do you mean!?" he asks in between gasps of breath.

Coal frowns, placing his head in his hands, puffing out his cheeks in a pout. "You know what I mean. Don't be so mean, Crimson!"

The ninja nods, still laughing his ass off. Once he manages to calm down,  he takes a few breaths to regulate his breathing. "I already told you that you're not my type."

"Wait, what's going on?" That last statement makes me confused, which snaps me out of the fantasy that I've semi engulfed myself in. Is it just me, or did that suggest that...

"Oh, I should have said so earlier. My bad!" Crimson chuckles while leaning back on the chair comfortably. "I'm homosexual."

"WHAT!?" I exclaim.

"Really?" Amber seems surprised but accepting. I guess she thinks it's no big deal. "I've never met someone like that!"

"I've known that for as long as I've known Crimson," Black Mist states with just a shrug. "Nova has known before he was sent to you, but when he came back, we told him a week after he settled in. None of us really cared because children have flexible minds."

"Right!" Crimson sits up, claps his gloved hands to get our attention, and he pulls his mask up again. "Now, down to business! Coal, we need the flames that neither melts nor evaporates water or ice." He leans forward with his arms on his knees, his hands clasped together, and his eyes holding intensity. "Where can we find it?"

"Where?" Coal purses his lips and leans back. "In a dangerous place. If you're going to go, you'll need to rest up."

Crimson nods. "Nova should wake up by tomorrow. The poison should wear off fully by then."

A lot of good that'll do! I bet anything he'll do nothing to contribute to the journey!

Coal lets us stay for the night so we can have a place to rest.


I finally wake up without feeling too tired. It's still the middle of the night, and Blackie is still asleep. I poke his nose since this is a rare moment. He is always awake before me.

"Psst!" I hiss. "Blackie, wake up!"

He groans and merely shifts in his bed. I start shaking him so that I can ask him where we are because this place is very unfamiliar!

Number 100 Red Nova SorcererOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora