"As if you had to ask," Kelly scoffed.

Alessandra grinned widely at the boys, who looked devilishly handsome in their tux and masks, Max, Pierre and Carlos's bowties matching their girls's dresses, which she gushed about whilst the boys also complemented her as they went out to the water taxi that was waiting to take them to the square, as they weren't going to walk the whole way, especially the girls in their dresses and heels.

A whole ride of taking photos of each other and together later, the group were walking towards the venue. Alessandra had her arms linked around Charles and Mick as they walked behind the couples, making their way up the stairs covered in a red carpet. They showed the security their tickets before being allowed entry, gasping at the magnificent art work decorating the hallway they walked down as they were taken to the hall.

"This place is insane," Charles commented as his eyes wandered around the baroque art, "it's like a different version of the Casino in Monaco."

"Baroque art is beautiful," Alessandra said as they arrived in front of the open grand doors, getting a glimpse of the large chandelier hanging in the middle of the hall that was also decorated with more baroque art.

They were stopped in front of a board which had the FIA logos around the name of the party, taking pictures individually before Max had to stay to the side so the Ferrari team principal and her drivers could take pictures together. But she did manage to pull Max into a picture with the group, wanting Les Idiotes to have a picture to commemorate their evening.

She held onto Mick and Charles once more as they made their way down the grand staircase, her dress flowing behind her with every step she took. When they got to the last step, she looked around, trying to see if there was anyone she recognised under the masks as they made their way to the bar.

"The Goddess of the paddock is living up to her name tonight!" Alessandra turned her head at the voice that spoke, smiling when she saw the Australian with his gorgeous girlfriend by his side. She put her drink on the bar as she stepped closer, pulling him in a hug, "you look amazing, Ale!"

"You look great Daniboy!" Alessandra beamed as they let go, then wrapped her arms around Heidi, "you look beautiful, Heidi!"

"So do you!" She exclaimed, "you need to tell me where you got the dress!"

"She designed it!" Charles beamed proudly behind her, "along with a local seamstress in Maranello and the designers at Ferrari."

"No wonder it looks amazing," Heidi chuckled, "it's one of a kind! Which is perfect for a one of a kind person like Ale!"

"Oh stop," the Italian laughed, waving her hand, "you're getting me all flustered!"

As the group walked around the hall and mingled with people, Alessandra knew that she was getting looks about her dress, as it was a bit over the top compared to others, but she didn't care. She was living a childhood dream through this party and she knew that her 13 year old self would be so proud of her right now if she could see her. She also took the time to admire other people's dresses, and the masks they were wearing, some opting for a canvas half face mask with different designs, some with lace masks, some even having a mask with a long handle instead of one tied around their faces.

Alessandra was enjoying talking to people she didn't usually have time to have good chats with in the paddock, her favourite conversations being those with Nico Rosberg, who complained that the mask was itching his face but didn't want to take it off because he looked good in it, David Coulthard, who was more dancing the jive with her than talking, and with Mark Webber, who gave her a short dance and drank a couple rounds of whiskey with. She also got to catch up with Jean Todt and Michelle Yeoh, two people who were important for Alessandra in her upbringing, two people she considered family. She was almost put into tears as Jean told her what an amazing team principal she was and how well she was leading the team, going on to tell her that the way she's running the team reminds him of when he was team principal.

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