First Encounter With The Green-eyed Giant

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Taking a deep breath in astonishment, the young woman hurriedly tried to cover her body with her hands, but in vain. Her thin arms looked funny rather than insufficient to cover her body.

"Who are you?" She looked around in fear and searched for something to wear, but she had tidied her room and all her clothes were in the dressing room. When her eyes shifted back to the man standing in front of her, she raised her voice and spoke angrily in response to the fact that he was still watching her.

"What are you looking at? Turn round. I'm going to call the police. How did you get in the house?" she shouted as she searched for her phone, not caring what she was wearing, and when she saw it on the bedside table, she moved in the direction of the man, but this tall, burly man who was looking at her in a frightening way was still staring at her.

"I'm talking to you!" she said, almost breathing angrily. He reached over and grabbed the duvet off her bed, wrapped it around her and looked at her again. "What are you staring at? How did you get in the house? Oh my God!" she grabbed her phone from the bedside table and frantically tried to unlock the keys, but her phone, which was always unlocked by facial recognition, insisted on not opening this time.

She quickly ran her fingers around the key lock, but before she could open it, the phone was snatched from her hand. Seeing that the man was still looking at her, Hamra shouted again in fear.

"What are you doing? I'm going to call the police, what do you mean by trespassing in a girl's house..." she reached out and tried to take the phone from his hand but in vain. The man's tall height challenged even his own height. While she was careful not to drop the case she was holding tightly, what the man said at the end of his speech surprised the young girl even more.

"Madam. You don't need to call the police because I'm here in my own home."

"Are you kidding me?" Hamra took a step back and continued to look at him from under her eyebrows. "I guess I would know if a man lived in the house I've lived in for years?"

"For years?" the young man said as he looked at her with a frown, as if surprised by this. "We frowned!" the young girl thought, breathing angrily as she quickly looked at him. He was a tall, burly man. That was the factor that frightened her too. She had never met such a tall and big man before. Moreover, the man did not look like someone living on the street. He was wearing a quality, probably tailor-made suit. His hair was neatly combed back and there was not a single hair on his face, proving that he had shaved in the morning. He had angular features and very striking emerald green eyes. He must have been a well-groomed man, because she usually saw such men either in Demre's neighbourhood or in the restaurant where she worked, where customers left big tips... I wonder if Demre had decided to sell the house? But why would he give the key to the house to the man without informing him?

"Who are you, mister? Did you get the key from Demre?" he cursed Demre inwardly and thought for a moment that this handsome man was one of the men his womanising friend had met and given the key to before. Actually, Demre would not have acted so irresponsibly, but he must have been impressed by the man's impressive aura or something. No lie, he was an attractive man, but if he had entered a girl's house uninvited, he would have been in the top three of Hamra's list of people she hated. Just then, she was distracted by a noise coming from downstairs. Hamra realised it was Demre after a few falling sounds.

"Hamra, red alert!" a young girl shouted from downstairs. "My brother is back from America and he just called me. He should be home soon..." she said and dropped something again. She had probably dropped something herself and instead of continuing to talk, she moaned in pain. Hamra, on the other hand, stood where she was in astonishment. Was the man standing in front of her Demre's brother? Now the pieces were beginning to fall into place. Of course she was going to say that he was her home, because he really was her home, but had the man who had not set foot in Turkey for years come here now? They had made a lot of plans to make her first meeting with him go smoothly, but appearing in front of him in a garter?

Hamra, you're fucked.

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