How it all started

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Me, my brother and his two best friends JJ and John B were the best friend group out there. Well they weren't really my friends but since my parents were really busy my brother had to babysit me all the time and thats how I became a part of them.

Everything was perfect. Me and my brother Steward were kooks and the other boys were pogues. We were kids, we didn't care as long as we had our fun. Even when we got older, we didn't care what rules this island had about pogues and kooks.

That was all before my brother started hanging out with other kooks. They're names are Rafe and Topper. He stopped hanging out with us and went to partys with his "bros" and was always telling me to stop being near "those pogues", which were his friends aswell. I was still hanging out with those two. We were going surfing everyday and had our fun.

I didn't pay much attention to my brother and his friends but they were always talking shit about every pogue alive, as if being "poor" was their choice. After a week like this, they talked about them wanting to jump JJ for whatever dumb reason. I told them to stop and even warned JJ but who would listen to me? Im just Steward's little sister.

The night that ruined our total friendship. There was a party set up by some teenagers wanting everyone to have fun on the beach at night. Everyone was invited, pogues and kooks or anything in between. I was drinking something I don't even remember anymore with JJ. We were talking and laughing when all of a sudden my clearly drunk brother took JJ by his collar and started spatting stupid nonsense to him. Of course JJ tried to fight back and that was when Topper and Rafe started punching JJ. It all escalated quickly. I was yelling at them to stop. It was a 3vs1. I would've pulled Steward away from him but him and his friends are so tall and strong that there was no use. I got scared and started looking around for John B but he was held back by some kook. Everyone was just watching my best friend get hurt by his so called "best friend".

When they have decided to stop I pushed my brother and yelled at him but him and his friends were just laughing and telling me to calm down. I threatened him by saying that I would tell our father but I knew that our dad didn't give a single f!ck about pogues. They went away with their loud ass motorcycles as I ran to JJ helping John B to get him up. JJ was looking dead and I was worried sick about him. His whole face had blood on it.

We brought him to John B's place and treated his wounds and everything. That night I have decided to sleep over. The next day I woke up and quickly went to see how JJ was doing but he was nowhere to be found. I was searching for him and John B but didn't find them. As I was looking outside I saw them and JJ was looking at me with a blank stare and started walking away as John B explained that he didn't want to see me after last night's incident.

After a whole year of him ignoring me and showing me nothing but hatred from his eyes, I couldn't help but notice that my parents fight way more than they usually do. It once got so bad that I've heard glass shattering and me being to scared to go down to look. I didn't pay much attention but I should've...

This fighting and yelling at each other went on for about a month when all of this came to an end because my mother was leaving to New York with my brother, leaving me and my father all alone and taking everything with her. Our money, my love, my brother and my happiness. I couldn't describe how I felt that night. She didn't even say goodbye to me nor did my brother.

Me and my dad had to move out and we were no longer able to call ourselves kooks but luckily he found a job and a house that didn't have a high rental. He explained that for his job he had to go over sea across the whole world, which meant I wouldn't see him this often anymore. Crazy how lifes can change within seconds...

All of my "friends" broke contact to me. Expect one. Rafe. Now, he isn't really my friend, he just needs my help to hide from his father when he does drugs or drinks too much that he looses consciousness. What a nice human being I am. What did I do to deserve all this.

I tried to make friends with John B and JJ again but they seem to have their own friends now, so I didn't even bother trying again. I was sure that JJ didn't forgive my brother, or rather forgave me. I tried explaining that I had nothing to do with that sudden fight but he didn't believe me, and it seems like John B is on his side.

So my only friend now is Rafe, who isn't really my friend...

902 words

Will it ever stop? | JJ MaybanksTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang