- 9: I Got Mental Issues -

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One, was that they do the same shit every single day

Walk home from school, to Deku's room to study, get pizza, watch a show or a movie downstairs, go to sleep (That asshole has been rejected many many times when asking to sleep in Deku's bed, thank fucking god) and do it all over again. 

There are some changes when inko is around, and even he can tell she's bored of the same old shit. 

Second, is that the asshole is the one buying everything. Even shit Deku doesn't even ask for, just showering him with gifts and food. And every time, he waits.

He stands there and looks at Deku expectantly, until the nerd finally says it, 

"You're the best Ishida, thank you." 





He decides to change tactics. He follows that piece of shit for a couple of weeks. He realizes that this asshole isn't boring just with Deku. His whole fucking life is boring. 

There is nothing special or out of the ordinary with this guy. 

Except for one thing. 

He always feeds this stupid cat that sleeps a couple minutes away from his house. Katsuki sees him leaving food, talking to it, and even playing with it any chance he gets.

If this was the one special thing in his life, then of course he had to force people to stay with him. Deku was the only thing in this guy's life that really fucking meant something, besides this stupid cat. 

So Katsuki is going to take it away. 

Starting with that fucking cat. 

He walks to it in the middle of the night, watching it sleep. It looks up at him, and its eyes catch him off guard. 

Big, green, and sparkling. 

He stares at the cat for a moment, before it rubs its body against his leg. He has the urge to kick it. 

To hurt it. 

He stares at it, his red eyes piercing into it. But it just looks up at him and meows. 

He crouches down and pets it, his warm hand staying on its middle. It purrs, and Katsuki grips it. Grips it so tight that he can feel its bones under his hands. 

He heats up his hand just a little more. 

Just one explosion and this thing is gone. 

Its life is in Katsuki's hands. 

And then it looks up at him with its stupid, green eyes. 

And he lets it go, hands in his pockets. 

"Hey Bakugou, are you free after school today?" 

The two extras that always follow him around look at him, nervous. He glares down at them, about to tell them to fuck off. 

These past few months have been nothing but following that dumbass Deku around, so he hasn't had time to hang out with these extras. 

He's about to tell them to fuck off before the other extra speaks. 

"We haven't hung out in a while man. You're always going off doing something else, and it's starting to worry us. Come on, it'll help you get your mind off of things." 

He stares down at them, and for some reason, he doesn't say no. 

He isn't giving up or anything. A day of fucking around isn't going to kill him. He's Katsuki fucking Bakugo, he doesn't need to waste his life with thinking about stupid Deku's. 

It sort of makes him feel a little normal again. 

Not saying that hanging out with those wastes of space made him feel better or some shit, because absolutely not.

He's walking with the two of them, and his eyes catch that stupid cat, laying down and soaking up the sun. 

- A year later - 

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon