"Jump whenever you are ready." you order.

The Admiral nods slightly and then gives your order through to the other ships.

"My I speak, my Lord?" Commander Havok asks, and you nod approving his request, "For what exactly do we need a factory for battle droids? With the Knights, the Freed and our own military strength we could take part in the war. There is no reason why we would need those droids."

"And that is where you are wrong, Commander. As I said earlier, we are not officially entering the war, that is why we will hide the fact that the factory is under our control for as long as possible and abandon it the moment we have what we need." you answer.

"And what is it that we need, if not the strength of the droids?"

"We need a around 50 active ones and a few hundred shells or inactive, the more damaged the better."

Commander Havok tilts his head slightly in confusion.

"You will see when the plan unfolds." you answer shortly, not in the mood to explain the plan further.

"We've arrived, Lord (S/N)." a pilot informs.

In front of you displays a large CIS fleet, defending the planet.

"Get in battle position! The two Harrower will attack their flanks. Light cruisers focus your fire on the corvettes, the destroyers shall focus on their heavy cruisers and the Reaper will kill of their commander! Deploy the bombers and focus them on the support ships first. E-Wings concentrate on the interceptors and eliminate them! Lancers watch out for enemy bombers and kill them off before they can reach the larger ships! Rihkxyrk class fighters escort our bombers to their destinations! I don't want even a single one of them to be able to escape!" You start commanding the battlefield.

"It seems to pay off, having three different types of star fighters." Admiral Rayse compliments.

"Evey type has its own strength and weaknesses, just like regular soldiers on a battlefield on the ground. The E-Wing is fast but not as agile as the Lancer class pursuit ships. Those are agile but their durability isn't as high as that of the Rihkxyrk class star fighters. Therefore, every one of them has its own purpose in every battle and do what they can do best in order to achieve victory." you explain to the Admiral.

The both of you direct your gaze out of the window to observe the raging battle outside.

The battle over Thule raged on with fierce intensity. The fleet of the separatists, comprised of various droid ships and support vessels, put up a valiant fight. However, it was evident from the beginning that Nathema's fleet had the upper hand. The Harrower class dreadnoughts, swiftly maneuvered through space, flanking the enemy's forces. Their powerful turbolasers and ion cannons unleashed devastating barrages upon the CIS ships, crippling their defences and weakening their resolve. The concentrated fire from the Namana class light cruisers focused on the enemy corvettes, obliterating them one by one.

You stood on the bridge of the Reaper, overseeing the battle with a commanding presence.

As the battle raged on, Nathema's fleet deployed more squadrons of bombers, supported by E-Wing starfighters and Rihkxyrk class fighters. The bombers targeted the separatist support ships, crippling their ability to reinforce their fleet. The E-Wings engaged the enemy interceptors, skilfully manoeuvring through space to outmanoeuvre and destroy their opponents. The Rihkxyrk fighters provided cover and escorted the bombers to their targets, eliminating any threats that came too close. The Lancer class pursuit ships, nimble and agile, weaved through the chaos of the battlefield. They focused on eliminating enemy bombers, intercepting them before they could reach the larger capital ships. With precision and skill, they took down wave after wave of enemy bombers, preventing any severe damage to their fleet.

As the battle progressed, it became clear that your fleet was overpowering the separatists. Their superior tactics and advanced weaponry gave them an edge that the enemy could not match. The separatist fleet began to crumble under the relentless assault, ships exploding in fiery bursts as they succumbed to your forces.

Finally, the fleet closed in on the separatist commander's ship, the heart of their defence. The Reaper, guided by your command, unleashed a devastating volley of turbolaser fire and ion blasts, crippling the separatist flagship. The enemy commander's vessel shuddered under the relentless assault until it could no longer withstand the onslaught. With a final explosion, it was reduced to debris, marking the end of the separatist resistance.

With their commander eliminated and their fleet in tatters, the remaining separatist ships scattered in disarray, desperately trying to escape your relentless pursuit. Your fleet, however, pursued them mercilessly, systematically eliminating any remaining ships.

After the overwhelming victory in space, you start deploying your troops to the ground.

"Commander Havok, it's time to get the troops down."

"At once, my Lord."

The moment you gave the order, you saw dozens of SGS-41B Comet Breaker Transporter and SGS-41C Comet Breaker Vehicle-Transporter, rush to the surface of Thule.

"Block their communication and keep the bombers ready." you order Admiral Rayse and leave the bridge of the Reaper to him.

Next you go to your E-Wing and see R7 already waiting. The Droid released a few happy beeps, before getting in place. After a little while your E-Wing lands in the middle of a circle consisting of three T4-B heavy attack tanks up front and 4 transporters right behind them.

"What's the current situation Commander?" you ask Havok the minute you jump out of the fighter.

"Our troops have successfully taken up position. The vehicles have also been deployed to the ground and are ready to use. We built formations consisting of an inner circle of defence with artillery cannons and the outer one consists of heavy tanks. In between we station our turbo tanks and supplies as well as troops. The MZ-8 will also be stationed there and ready for action at any time. Whatever they have in store for us, we are ready my Lord." Commander Havok claims confidently.

"Good. We will stay at defence at first, let's see if they attack us on their own. If they won't, then we will have to knock on their door first." you state, looking in the direction of the droid factory.

"Commander, a droid has arrived. It says that it bears a message for Lord (S/N)." a soldier yells to Commander Havok.

"Have you checked it for any explosives?"

"Yes sir, there were none."

"Let it through then." Havok orders and a single B1 battle droid walks through the outer circle of tanks.

It doesn't say anything and instead just places a small holoprojector on the ground before you.

"My name is Sentepeth Findos, Commander of the Confederation and supervisor of this factory." a Neimoidian greeted, while appearing in front of you, "Who is it that I have the honour to meet?"

"My name does not matter today." you answer, changing the subject, "We are here because we need to this planet and your facility. I leave the choice to you if you want to live and flee or if you want to go down fighting. Although I hear that the Naimoidians aren't much of fighters and just a bunch of cowards."

"Unfortunately, I cannot hand this factory over to you. If you really want it, you will have to take it." The Naimoidian responds angered.

"That is fine by us. Since I cannot convince you, I'll have to subdue you!" the call ends and the B1 unit is about to turn around as it suddenly stops. You and Commander Havok hear a few little klicks coming from the droid and immediately you realise what's going on. With a quick motion you grab the B1 with the Force and throw it high into the air. In the sky you see a fireball coming from the exploded droid and a smile builds up under your crimson mask.

"This is going to be interesting." 

~Writers note

Might be a little late to ask this, but if you guys want to I can write a bio with pictures of all the ships and other vehicles used in Nathema's army. Anyway, I hope you had fun reading this and as always feel free to comment. :) See yall next chapter.

The crimson child -Male Sith Reader-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن