"SHUT UP!" you yell and shoot the lightning at her.

Dust fills the room and as it the situation calms down you begin to look for the holocron.

"I'm over here, boy." Darth Nyriss says.

Using the Force, you push away the rest of the dust, revealing the unscratched holocron.

"For a second try it was not that bad."

Your face holds a slightly puzzled look and demands an explanation about the fact why everything in this room looks like a grenade has gone off except the holocron.

"I have mastered more than just Force Lightning boy. Someday I might teach them to you as well."

"But for now, I should focus on this, you want to say?"

Darth Nyriss nods.

"Lord (S/N) we've arrived." a firm voice informed you via commlink.

"Remember what I've told you and keep practicing." Nyriss reminds you with a stern look on her face.

"Since you were useful for once, I'll consider it." you answered playfully and closed the holocron, before Darth Nyriss could say another word.

The ship landed and the ramp, revealing an alley made by your soldiers to greet you back.

"It's great to have you back again, Lord (S/N)." Commander Havok greeted you.

"Great being back again."

"A lot has happened and there is something that requires your attention, my Lord."

You nod and follow your Commander back to commanding centre. As you enter the room, Shitu's figure appears on the holotable.

"Lord (S/N)." she says and gets down on her knee.

"Report." you answer simply.

"The mission was a total success. We have freed the slaves and almost all of them wanted to join the military on Troiken. The numbers of the Freed have increased greatly over the time and through the multiple missions we gained a lot of troops and resources my Lord."

"How is the situation on Troiken itself? I heard of some trouble with the Pykes." you ask concerned.

"The situation is under control. There are small fights between our forces and the Pyke's but nothing we cannot handle."

"Good. Our numbers should be sufficient now."

"For what if I dare ask, my Lord?"

"Our first assault on enemy territory. I've got my hands on information about a factory for CIS B1 and B2 battle-droids on Thule. We will attack the planet but make sure to not damage the facilities. Gather the troops, take off is in three hours." you order and leave the commanding centre.

You spent the time before the start of the mission on your personal training grounds practicing your new knowledge about Force Lightning until Commander Havok came to you.

"Lord (S/N), we are ready for departure." the Commander informs.

"Good, let's not waste any time."

You and Commander Havok enter the bridge of the Reaper, being greeted by Admiral Rayse. "Lord (S/N)." he yelled.

"Greetings Admiral is the fleet ready?" you ask impatiently.

"Yes, my Lord"

You walk towards the big window and look outside, to see three more Sabaoth class Destroyers, six Namana class light cruisers, five Marauder class corvettes and 2 Harrower class BSX-5 dreadnaughts. A satisfied smile finds its way on your face as you turn back to the Admiral.

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