New Obsession | Pouf

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New Obsession
Shaiapouf / Pouf x reader

Notes for one shot:
This is in a hypothetical world where King Meruem died but his guards survived.


Third POV

With the king dead the kings guards didn't know what to do, their purpose was gone. I mean they were created to serve their king, but now....he was gone for good.

The three guards made their way to a small city in attempts to blend in. After a few months they each found themselves as best they could.....well some more than others.

Neferpitou found a way to use her Doctor Blythe
ability to help aid people in critical conditions that would've been on deaths doorstep otherwise.

Menthuthuyoupi used his strength and intimidating appearance to his advantage by doing more guard work, wether it be a personal body guard or even a simple bouncer. It wasn't the same but still gave him a new found purpose.

Shaiapouf on the other hand....didn't acclimate as well. He moped around all day in their shared apartment. Pitou was growing tired of it.

"You need to get off your ass and leave the apartment." Pouf groaned in protest. "OUT" she yelled as her death aura consumed the apartment.

"Fine fine I'll go walk around the park or something" Pouf said half heartedly, valuing his life.

Pouf sat on the bench in the nearby park and observed the people as they walked by. 'How am I supposed to find meaning when the only thing that mattered is gone and over' Pouf thought to himself.

Suddenly a girl came into his view, she was holding something in her hands as a group of kids followed her excitedly. 'What is this?' He wondered.

The children all sat around the girl as she set the container on the ground. The sun seemed to make her eyes glisten, or was it just the way Pouf looked at her? He couldn't tell if it was reality or his imagination. But before he could contemplate it further a colony of butterflies surrounded her and flew around her.


The butterflies flocked around her as she giggled and spun around. She was truly captivating.

'I must have her'

Pouf had found his new purpose.

Once all the children dispersed and you were on your own in the field, Pouf decided to make his move.

You were laying down enjoying the breeze and looking at the clouds in the sky above you when you noticed a shadow hovering above you, blocking the sun that was previously warming your skin,

"Mind if I join you?" Pouf asked, inviting himself to sit down beside you before you could actually give him an answer.

"Well I suppose so" you laughed at him but continued staring at the sky, no harm in having company.

"I think you're ravishing." Pouf said suddenly. Now he had your attention.

You turned to him at first confused, but that quickly turned to astonishment. The person in front of you was beautiful. His blonde hair complimented his light complexion and eyes beautifully. His aura was almost..sparkly. He reminded you of a hypnotic butterfly.

You were lost for words. The two of you just stared into each others eyes. "What is your name?" He asked you, gently breaking the silence.

"[Y/N]" you said matching his soft tone.

"Well [Y/N], you are now my queen" he proclaimed as he kissed your hand.


Requested by @Anya_Peantuz

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