obligatory a/n

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remember when i said i was working on rewriting angel's blessing? yeah it turned into a full-blown reboot.

i don't have the heart to overwrite the original work, especially considering the plot of 'angel's blessing 2' has ended up straying quite far from that of the original - probably because it isn't being written by a lonely 14 year old in the middle of lockdown.

despite the issues i have with the original story, i've actually had a lot of fun revisiting and reworking it, much to my surprise. it's also been a great learning opportunity for me; seeing how much i've improved naturally and making conscious choices to improve my storytelling as a whole has helped me a great deal.

although i am known for making plans i don't stick to, i do plan on rewriting the whole thing over summer and, hopefully, i'll be able to stick to it. if i don't, you have permission to yell at me in the comments until i make my grand return once more.

i feel i've rambled on long enough, but i can only hope that this reboot satisfies both new readers and old readers, and that you all enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it.

ily guys <3

- bo

Angel's Blessing. | K. BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now