3; Bakugou.

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How exactly does one go about proving an entire school's worth of students and teachers wrong when they supposedly lacked the power to do so?

Your mind was plagued with questions like this for the next few days, only getting worse as you began to notice just how differently your classmates treated you after your first day. At first you had thought they were being polite and mindful of how you were significantly weaker than them, but you soon realised that they were quickly starting to look down on you—to pity you, even.

Now, you weren't the most prideful person in the world, but knowing your classmates took pity on you quickly became the driving force for your journey to self-improvement.

You didn't particularly want to become a hero once you graduated - you'd seen firsthand how much fame and the expectations of others could impact a person's mental health when you were living with your mother - but you knew your worth, even if it took more than a few words of encouragement from your aunt, and you were determined to make your classmates understand that.

In truth, you wanted to humiliate them—to make them feel stupid.

How, exactly? You weren't sure.

But you were hell-bent on making Bakugou - and everyone else, for that matter - regret looking down on you, even if it took time.


"You gonna be okay?" Mina was quick to ask as you stood, once again, at the P.E grounds exactly a week after your first day.

You nodded firmly in response, but you knew your newfound confidence was going to plummet after—

"...(l/n) (y/n) and Bakugou Katsuki."

It was at that moment (y/n) decided to pack their bags and flee the country.

Aizawa had to be doing this on purpose—what did he want from you? What reaction was he trying to get other than screaming, crying, and throwing up?

You were beginning to wonder if Aizawa really did want you to get on that plane.

Gone were the days of supportive teachers, in were the days of psychological torture.

Now, it's important to note that you weren't a very confrontational person - not at the time, anyway - and, in that moment, you were genuinely considering running away and never showing your face again. But you decided against it. Your classmates were going to think you were weak regardless of what you decided to do that day, but you'd rather be perceived as someone who actually tried rather than as a complete spineless coward—of course, you wanted to at least try to save your rapidly diminishing pride, too.

So you stood your ground in spite of the whispers, in spite of the stares, in spite of the nausea. You weren't going to go down without a fight, hell, in an ideal world you weren't going to go down at all. The odds of the latter occurring were now impossibly slim, but you had no choice but to accept that.

"Ha! (l/n)!? God this is gonna be pathetic!"

Grin and bear it, (y/n). Just grin. and. bear. it.

"Why did I get put with the weakest motherfucker in the school? I can't really train if they're gonna go down in one hit!"

Mina gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze as you pursed your lips. Words simply cannot express just how much you hated Bakugou Katsuki in that moment but, surely, it couldn't get any worse than this.


For 20 excruciatingly long minutes you stood, watching as your peers were pitted against each other. To others, this may have been a perfect opportunity to observe your classmates and their fighting styles, to search for any weaknesses in their strategies. You, on the other hand, spent those minutes desperately trying to figure out how to go about fighting Bakugou in a way that wouldn't leave you completely humiliated. But it wasn't looking good for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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