Night of the Hunters pt 2

Start from the beginning

Astrid's POV

We weren't getting anywhere on escaping this wretched place. Tuff was spouting our stupid escape ideas when a guard wearing lots of armor came over and replaced the guard currently at our cell. "You're dismissed from this," the guard spoke, but I thought I heard a hint of a female voice. Once the guard was gone, the current one reached into a pocket and pulled out some paper and slipped it through the bars. I was skeptical, but picked it up nonetheless. They then pulled out a key and slipped it through the bars as well.

Dragon Riders,

Here is the key for your escape. Be careful of Ryker. He is one of the most dangerous Dragon Hunters in the world right now. Tell my sister that I love her.

My mouth fell a little and I looked at the guard, now knowing it was Selene's little sister. Lillian winked at us. She looked around for a second, to make sure no one was watching, then turned to us. "Knock me out. Make sure it looks convincing too," she told us. I was about to protest, but she just smiled. She reminds me of her sister. "Alright," I smiled and we started our escape plan.

Selene's POV

Snotlout, Hiccup and I were stitching Whitefang's shedded scales together to make the armor and I gotta say, Snotlout's craftsman ship is extraordinary. "That's amazing. You're almost done already. And Snotlout, your workmanship..." Hiccup trailed off, amazing by the boy's skills. Snotlout just laughed and told us that his mother taught him everything he knows. "Remind me to thank your mother for teaching you this. Cause if we do this right, then Hookfang, Toothless and Crystal will be totally safe from the Dragon Hunter's arrows," I smiled and grabbed the map. "Next step is to find this Dragon Hunters." Hiccup walked over a bit and leaned over. After a while, we figured out that the Hunters were heading south(I'm not sure but go with it). Snotlout finished the stitching and we got all the dragons equipped with the scales. "Let's go save the riders," I smiled and we all got on our dragons and we started flying towards the ships. Along the way, something shot out of the water. It was a Desert Wraith.

 It was a Desert Wraith

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(Not mine)

"Whoa! A Desert Wraith!" I smiled. The dragon saw us and flew over. Crystal started growling along with the other dragons, but stopped when the Desert Wraith didn't attack us. "I'm not here to harm you. My name is Sandstorm. My rider wanted to me to deliver this message to you," Sandstorm told us. I saw a piece of parchment tied to her leg and I grabbed it.

Dear sister,
Your friends attempted to escape and failed miserably. I blame those twins. Anyways, they've been split up all over the ship. If you can create a distraction of some sorts, that might give them time to escape.
Love, Lillian
P.S. Sandstorm is my beloved dragon and friend

I smiled when I read that Sandstorm was my little sister's dragon. "Nice to meet you Sandstorm. I'm Selene and the Light Fury is Crystal," I introduced ourselves and the two dragons sniffed one another and then nuzzled. "Who's dragon this this?" I heard Hiccup ask as he and Snotlout flew closer to us. "Boys, this is Sandstorm. She's my little sister Lillian's dragon," I informed them. "Amazing. Seems rare dragons run in the family," Hiccup joked. I smiled and turned to Sandstorm. "Can you lead us to the Hunter's?" She nodded and gestured for us to follow her. After a while longer of flying, she stopped. "There they are," Sandstorm told us and there was Ryker's fleet. "Thanks for the assistance Sandstorm. Give some love to my little sister, and both of you be safe," I told the dragon. She nodded her head and flew away. "This isn't going to end well you know, Selene," Snotlout commented. "We have to try though. Now let's do this!" I shouted and all three dragons dove by the ships. I looked over and saw Dagur and... Heather?!!? 'What in the name of dragons!?' I asked myself, rage filling my body as Whitefang's armor protected the dragons. "Gotta thank Whitefang for his massive growth spurt over the past three years," Crystal chuckled as the dragon root arrows bounce off. "No kidding," I smiled as Toothless and Crystal took out two crossbows. "Keep it up. Just need to buy Astrid and the others enough time to get their dragons," I told the dragons and they nodded their heads. I heard shouting and saw Astrid and Tuffnut demolishing some hunters with brooms!? I just snorted with laughter and knew I was gonna have to ask Astrid about it later. Some hunters charged at the pair, but Hookfang took care of them. "Nice shot, Fangster," I smiled and the Nightmare smiled back. All three dragons continued to blast at the ships, then I saw some of Whitefang's scales start to loosen. "Snotlout, the scales are starting to come loose!" I shouted with worry to the boy. "I knew I should've used a lock stitch, not a cross stitch. Stupid, Snotlout, stupid. Oh, mom's gonna be so disappointed in me," Snotlout chastised himself. "It's ok. I made sure to bring backup," I told the boy. Hiccup and Snotlout were confused till we heard a familiar roar. We all turned towards the sound and saw Whitefang come barreling in. "Are you all ok?" He asked us as Crystal nuzzled against him. "You're timing couldn't have been better. We just need to keep the hunters distracted a while longer," I told the Screaming Death. He smiled and blasted fire at the sails. "Now they can't go anywhere," Whitefang cheered as we continued our assault. I saw some of Toothless's armor come loose. "Let's go help our boys, girl," I smiled and saw that Ryker was about to fire at Hiccup and Toothless. Crystal charged a blast, but the ship rocked. Astrid shot out with Stormfly. The twins, Barf and Belch along with Meatlug and Fishlegs shot out. "Let's get out of here before they have a chance to reload," I told the others and we all flew away.

I whistled for Whitefang and he fired one more blast at the main ship before fleeing with us. "Why is the Screaming Death here?" Astrid asked with some fear in her voice. Whitefang just gave a smile at her. "Whitefang here helped us rescue you guys. So, I'd be thanking him," I told the girl. "Did I see Dagur on that ship? Is he with the Dragon Hunters?" Hiccup asked. "Not just Dagur!" Ruff shouted. "Hiccup, Selene, we have a lot to talk about," Astrid commented. "I'll say," I told her. "Screaming Death armor? Yeah, makes sense. Thickest scales of any dragon," Fishlegs commented as he touched some of the scales. Hookfang didn't appreciate that. "Woo! Excellent workmanship," Ruff complimented Snotlout. "Uh, I don't know. I'm surprised you didn't use a lockstitch," Tuff retorted. "I'll use it right now on your mouth," Snotlout fired at the boy. "You did great, Snotlout. You too Whitefang. This wouldn't have been possible without you," I complimented the boys. Whitefang smiled at me in his own way. "I should get back to my island. We'll be on the lookout for any Dragon Hunter activity and let you know," Whitefang informed me. "Thanks, boy," I thanked him and he shot off. "We also ran into a certain someone on the ship," Astrid told me and I just smirked. "Let me guess, my sister?" I asked her and she looked flabbergasted. "How'd you know?" Fishlegs asked me and I just whistled and Sandstorm came flying over us. "Whoa!!" Everyone, minus Snotlout, Hiccup and myself shouted. "Guys, meet Sandstorm. She's my sister's dragon," I told them. I then saw another piece of parchment and grabbed it.

Ryker is up to something new. I'd feel safer if Sandstorm would accompany you for now. She knows how to find me. Love you

I just smiled. "I love you too, sis."

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