29 | You've sucked me into the absolute torture that is Wattpad

Start from the beginning

"What's that?" I asked, only curious at the way his cheeks had caught fire.

"Nothing!" he exclaimed, turning beet red.

My interest was now piqued. I grinned, reaching for it. "Show me."

"No! I- argh." He swiped at my hand. "It's just an update, it's not important."


His phone beeped again, and then twice more. Clementine flushed. "There are often updates on Fridays."

I gasped. "Wait, you don't mean—"

His phone lit up again with the unmistakable bright orange glare of a Wattpad notification.

"Oh my god, fine I'll admit it." He threw his phone on the counter in defeat. "I'm hooked. I'm addicted. I was weak."

I gaped at him in shock. "No way."

"You did this to me." He pointed an accusing finger. "And I'm all caught up now and I have to suffer waiting for updates. You have sucked me into the absolute torture that is wattpad."

"I thought Wattpad was 'a disgrace to the entire writing industry,'" I quoted him.

"Ha-ha, that's kind of rude. I don't think I said that," Clementine feigned, laughing lightly.

I stabbed a finger on his chest. "That is word for word what you said!"

"Okay, I take it back!" He huffed, blowing air into in pink cheeks and holding it there. "I didn't realize there was such quality queer content on there."

"Ah, right. That's why I read it too," I admitted.

"Right? You just can't find this stuff on trad pub; the whole market is dominated by cishet publishers. Anyway." Clementine shot me an accusing glare. "This horrible vampire pirate book only updates like twice a month!"

I grinned. "But now we can suffer together."

"Cruel." A smile twitched at Clementine's lips as he set to cutting the leaves off the strawberries.

"Do you need any help with that?" I drummed my feet against the side of the counter.

"No, no I can finish up, thanks."

"I can cut them for you to place—or I can sprinkle the walnuts." I reached towards the bag.

Clementine quickly pulled it away from me, panic crossing his features for a fleeting moment. "No! I mean, you should rest."

"No it's fine, I'm not that tired anymore. I can help you." I tried to grab the drizzle bottle but Clementine pushed it out of reach. "Let me help you, sweetheart."

"I would but- it would be wrong to not decorate these myself, since your dad is paying me to as well," Clementine said piously.

My eyes narrowed.

"Alright fine, we're supposed to send out this order today and I can't risk you—" He gestured to the perfect strawberry swirls he had created. "Everett-ing this up."

My jaw went slack. "Did you just use my name as an adjective?"

Clementine smirked- smirked at me and gave no response. He pushed his hair back, revealing the pointed ears that hid behind the chocolate brown locks. Turning his attention back to the brownies, he added the walnuts and continued with the spiral design.

I yanked lightly at the tip of his pointy ear. "You look like an elf."

That got his attention. His brows furrowed as he turned to me. "What?"

I bit back a smile, leaning in closer. "Like a little pointy-eared elf."

"Stop that." Clementine swatted at me as my lips grazed against the ear I'd just been whispering in. His purple irises flashed with ire, but were undercut by the roses blooming in his cheeks. "Don't call me an elf."

"A cute pixie?"

Violent violet eyes turned to pin me down with a glare. His apparent pique still in heavy contrast to his blushing face. Helpless to resist, I leaned in to peck his lips.

Clementine smiled against me, his tone turning teasing. "If I'm a cute pixie then you're an annoying gremlin."


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