Chapter 8

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Anas POV

I don't know why?i have no idea how?but i feel in love.With a guy i thought i had a chance with.I now know,it was just my imagination the best of me.I have no chance with him.I doubt he even said he would go to my funeral.He even said that he wouldn't stay there all day.right?You know what?Its doesn't matter.I love him and he doesn't care about me.I don't even think he likes me.But oh well you cant always get what you wish for.The moral of my love story is that you can try and cry and feel pain.But it doesn't matter.No matter how bad you want something ,you don't always get it.Some people just don't always get there happy endings.Its sad because the people who work the most,always get the toughest time.

Jacks POV

......dude............what if i was a girl??....i would be like.........hi guys.......i miss my a perv........i love my self want to ana her brother here............wheres back hurts.....order in the court room........why I'm a so she going to say i still even like her.................i will never stop liking her ...........wait who am i talking about
As i think about this,i play with wood.I use a piece of wood as a hammer.I really don't have anything to do so I'm just playing with it.I like moving stuff.I like being strong.I like the way i can be able to carry three times my actual weight.Wait??? I cant be this sexy.I honestly cant be this awesome,can i???
Oh my gosh melody wants to talk to me.Haha I sounded so gay.Why is she is asking these questions.Yes,i could care if ana died.i don't know,if i still like her.Do I?

Melodys POV

So i asked ana and jack the same multiple questions .They didn't answer all of them but they answered most of them.Both how ever answered i asked do you like him/her and jack said i don't know and ana said yes.Or i said would you care if ana/jack died? And jack said yes and ana said of course.There so weird but oh well.I should really get out of this.There twisted love story should no longer involve me but ana would still talk to me about it.

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