Is HERO okay?

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As The group went outside (to touch some grass *clears the throat* sorry nevermind)

the group went outside to spend their last hours with MARI who is moving out of town.

AUBREY: So, where should we go first?

HERO: At the park

MARI: Okay then


They arrived at the Park.

BASIL: hmm, i should head back to my house first. I have to do something important... You can go there if you want.

HERO: okay then, see you there!

AUBREY goes to pick some flowers while KEL climbs up on a tree to have fresh air. And BASIL left and went back to his house.

MARI and HERO are was surprised that AUBREY and KEL aren't arguing or fighting anymore. Maybe something happened to between of them that they didn't know?

MARI and HERO are sitting on the swings.

HERO look at MARI with a worried expression And look down.


'Well, after 4 hours. MARI is leaving. Maybe its for the sake of her coping. But..... If she is leaving then..... She will... Leave us.... She will.... Leave me.... And never come back..... Does this mean she..... Dont want us anymore? Is she forgetting our relationship? Does this matter anymore?



'Dont worry, HERO. MARI will never forget that and will come visit! Just make her Days Happy! As Always!

But not after that incident...

MARI: HERO? Whats wrong?

HERO: Oh- uh

I didn't realize MARI is looking at me with a worried expression too.

MARI: you look... Worried about something....

HERO: Ah! N- nothing is wrong!

And i mumbled 'i wish'

MARI: oh okay.....

HERO: ...

MARI: ...


MARI: hm?

HERO: i hope you've been doing okay and stuff... Im sure everything was really hard for you to deal with.

MARI: Im okay thanks for worrying-

'Lies?' i know deep inside she isn't, and i think she never will. So someone must comfort her.

I tried to be cheerful

HERO: ohhh MARI, you should smile more! Dont be a cliff-faced person! Just smile! It is perfect on you!

As i smiled, but... The way she looked at me...with surprised and dark expression... Did i remind her of something?

I frowned, knowing my effort was wasted.

And then words come out of my mouth that something i wasn't expecting to say

HERO: I wish i was useful for you, i think i was the one who should have been there for you. I dont know if we really ever get over to SUNNY'S death...

MARI: ...

HERO: M-maybe i am the Fault one here.

MARI: what... Are you trying to say?

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