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What would you like to do?

                  TURN AROUND
               > DO NOTHING

If he is really SUNNY then... Im happy but... I don't want to face him... I am the reason of his suicide... Its because of my perfectionist persona... I wish i didn't yell at him... I expect that the recital of me and SUNNY together will be fun... But i ruined that opportunity... This recital... For me and SUNNY... Should be a special event and moment for me and my little sunshine... And it would be a wonderful memory and a gift to me... For my birthday...

Mom and Dad planned it... We were going to perform our recital on my birthday... On my 15th birthday... But i ruined it... The recital... This recital... It took someone who is the most precious person i love and vow to protect even death... My little brother... My sunshine... He is the source of my happiness... He is the one who is always giving his time for everyone... Even me... Who wants to play for me and with me... He who wants to spend time with me as my little brother... SUNNY... Im sorry... I am the worst sister you have in your life...

Now it's because of me... You will never grow up and achieve the dreams you want to come true... Im sorry im truly sorry... I dont deserve to be your sister anymore... Im sorry... I cant face you... Hate me instead... Of course i dont hate you and you know that... Just hate me... Im sorry... Because you do not exist in this world anymore... So i wont turn around... Im sorry...

I closed my eyes and pretending to be asleep... So that it can... HE can... Leave me...

UNDENTIFIEDSUNNY?: MARI? I- im scared... MARI... Im scared... Please wake up... I'm scared... Scared....

As the cold touch and voice dissapeared... It became silent...

MARI: everything is now normal

I look at the White Tulips in a vase...on the window... It is blooming? Maybe it likes the Sunlight... Shining through it... I smiled

When i looked at the White Tulip... My thoughts is gone and continue to watch the Tulips bloomed... I felt like... He's here... Comforting me?.... Maybe.... As i fell asleep slowly... Sleeping soundly?


"there... No disturbance!.... You can now sleep peacefully... MARI... Happy 15th birthday..."


This is the both route or options...
I have done my best... Now i have to be busy this week and another week... For my school projects and activities ugh... And homework brrgrr...

But it's okay! I'll remember you guys! And i will do my best to update with more interesting scenes... This made my imagination wild! I think i am doing–

  OMARI AU| OMORI FANFICTION | Dearest Brother COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now