A Rat will Be a Rat

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I started  to  back peddle  a little  as Sin  , came closer.  Trying  to figure out how to tell him my theories. Sin had the fuckin  speed of a damn cheetah,  reaching  out  and grabbing  me.

Now he was pissed there are one or two ways this could play out . One being he yells at me and fucks me stupid. Or two he listens to what I have to say ,and then he angrily  fucks me.

Before he could say anything  at all.  A hand hooks around his waist , and a redhead pops out with a bright cherry red smile.

My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline  , cause a bitch wants to meet the Reaper.

"Hey Prez  I was wondering  could you ,maybe take a look at the leaking  faucet  in my dorm".

Sin stared straight  ahead not even paying her ,the attention  she was seeking. That's okay though I would give her more than what she bargained  for. My sadistic  smile makes  it's  way on to my face.

"Hey sugarplum why don't  you go wait for him on. His bike he'll  be  right over."

She squeezed his side once more before walking  away with her flat ass.

"Nat I don't know who  that chick ,is babe so don't hit me I did no wrong."

"Hmmm". Was all I said before,  walking away from him.

He pulled out a rolled up blunt  and leaned  against the column  of the building.

"Hey sugarplum  did you know that the prez , was married,  I mean he has a diamond  wedding  band on."

"Of course I did , I feel like she is old history , so you find something new  and fuck it.

Without warning  I punched   her so hard I felt her tooth break. The skin on my knuckles. Her nose was broken  and she had blood all her self.

Kitten had claws she tried to fight with , all she did was succeed  in pissing me off further. Yanking  her wrist forwards and snapping it .I grabbed a chunk  of her hair  and made her face Sin.

" you see that man over there that you wanna fuck, is my husband and the next time. I catch you looking at him or trying to fuck what isn't  yours to touch. I going  cut off every  single finger and toe  on your body. Then skin you ass alive  do you understand  me soul eater "

"Yyy....yes , I understand. Please I won't approach  him anymore ,just don't take me  to the slab house."

Pushing her to the ground  and squatting  on her ,I let my knees  pin her shoulders and  arms down to the concrete. Pulling  my butterfly  knife out of my boot,  I carved the 11 on her jaw,  her screaming  underneath  of me just did something  to me.

I smiled like I just had the best orgasim  ever. Getting  up to see I had an audience.  With Naz collecting  money. 

"Psycho  your fucking  kid keeps running  , the soul eaters  away".

"Not  my problem Sin  there has controll of his woman." I can hear my dad snickering.  I stood there looking down at the soul eater  before saying.

" Look at me let this be the only  warning,  stay the fuck away from my husband now get the fuck out of my sight."

I was trying  to calm down when a hand clamped  ,down on the back of my neck. Sin blew the smoke  from his blunt  pass my face . Before  whispering  in my ear.   

" Who the fuck were you on the phone with, did you think I forgot  about it?.

"Sin lis .."

"No!! shut the fuck up and tell me now , or I will murder every  man you talk to or look at that ain't family."

The Devil's Scouts PlaygroundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang