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leafy was, to say the least, very confused.

did coiny like her?
did she like coiny?

she wasn't sure.

they spent so much time together, so it should be clear, right?


when she was just starting to realize her feelings she told everything about him to pin. they were good friends, and she could trust her not to tell anyone else.

she began overanalyzing everything.

"pin, he commented on my laugh! he said it was cute! oh my tree!"

"he wanted me to play with him, oh man, he's so silly..."

"pin. coiny gave me. so many presents today."

and it went on, and on, and on...


and then, her rose colored glasses seemed to shatter. one day, she was talking with firey. she wanted to learn more about coiny; to see if he acted differently around just her:

"do you think...coiny acts differently around me?"

firey laughs. "oh, he really changed. before he got to know you, me and him were best buds-the greatest duo. and once he met you, he started being more aggressive towards me."


"yeah. almost's jealousy, or something?" firey laughs again.

"haha." she knew coiny and firey had some sort of grudge against eachother; coiny always seemed to start fights. firey never really fought back.

"it's true, though. he thinks we're a thing. he may not say it, but he's very explicit with his speech patterns when it's me and you. when it's just me, he's talking about either the show's votes or how much pain he's in when it comes to competitions. when it's the two of us, he makes passive-aggressive jokes about our relationship."

"you're right... recently it's like he's trying to impress me, or at least trying to get closer than you and me... like, he's always up in our business..."

"exactly! he's always against me. whenever you and i laugh about something he always wants to know. i know it could just be FOMO, but even after telling him he still reacts negatively."


then she got confused.

why did he change?
does he actually like me?

he never speaks to me during the show, only during breaks or inbetween episodes. so does he want to get close to me or not?

does he like me??????????????????????????????


then her messages with pin got less frequent. slowly, she stopped talking to her about him, and their conversations reverted to their regular topics.

by then, coiny still wasn't clear about his feelings towards leafy.
and it made her upset.

can you please just tell me why you've changed?
why are you so aggressive towards firey?
are you jealous?
do you hate him because of me or what?
do you hate him because of our friendship?

she couldn't say such things to him.
that would give her away.

do you like me?
i think i like you.

if you couldn't tell by the title im projecting. im leafy.
just a small vent at 1:45 am

Edit: coiny turns out to be really annoying.


437 words

supa small stories!!!!1On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara