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you sat in the passenger side seat and look at luka, who is now shifting around his slightly disarranged car to be more suitable for two

"sorry, i wasn't expecting you to come in my car- not that i'm complaining."

his awkward look made you smile, "nor was i."

he was turning a bit pink before he finally started the car.

you immediately looked at the map, seeing exactly what restaurant luka was talking about

however, before long, you both got stuck in a bit of traffic.

you moved your gaze over to luka, who seemed to be calm

looking at him, you thought about how sweet he was, and how he was really cute too!

sadly for you, luka glanced over at you, prompting you to swiftly look at your phone.

he laughed a little, how embarrassing!

at around 9:00, you had finally made it to the restaurant.

for a late night restaurant, it was fairly nice.

you jokingly mutter "if i knew the restaurant was gonna look this good i would've changed in the car!"

luka chuckles, "well, that and i forgot to mention, it's pretty pricy."

you look a bit worried since you only have about 20 bucks and a few pieces of change

"don't worry! i'll gladly pay for your meal."

you smile again, " wow luka, paying for our meal at this fancy restaurant on our first date? so classy"

you were interrupted by a fan approaching luka.

"luka! luka! O moj Bože! jesi li ti pravi Luka Modrić? mogu li slikati?" (oh my gosh are you the real luka? can i take a photo?)

"Naravno možete!" (of course you can!)

she quickly snaps a photo before glaring at you, "jesi li mu prijatelj? nisam te vidio na televiziji"

(are you his friend? i haven't seen you on tv-)

"it doesn't matter who she is, but i hope you have a good day nonetheless!"

you smile as she walks away, partially angry at you for some odd reason.

"should we get takeout?" you say, scanning the restaurant for people suddenly noticing luka

"i'll gladly buy you some, but i personally don't eat it, especially since i have practice tomorrow."

"where would we eat it at anyways?"

"well, i would say my hotel but that's probably not the best idea, what about someplace more quiet at night? like the park?"

he smiles, "that's a great idea, it's like a little first date picnic."

"that's so cute!" you say estactically before heading back to the car with luka

after sitting in the car and picking up food, you see a smoothie shop coincidentally open

"luka, what if you got a smoothie, so you didn't feel hungry of course, i mean i still feel bad that you don't really wanna eat any of this food."

"i'll gladly pay." you say, grabbing your money.

as he moves into the drive thru, grabbing your orders, you reach over him and pay, making yourself feel successful

however, as soon as he pulled out, luka turned to you, "please let me pay you back before the night ends!"

"luka, there's no need, it was just a smoothie."

"well i'll feel bad about not paying you back, so please remind me or it's going to be haunting me all of tomorrow."

"i'll try."

he drives back over to the park you two were at earlier, finding that same magical spot from earlier where you two originally got to know each other.

you sat down and luka stole 1 nugget, despite claiming he doesn't eat fast food

"well, sometimes i like to splurge and eat one little thing."

"well, since you ate my nugget, lemme get a sip of your smoothie."

you put your straw in his drink and did that stupid thing where the both of you drink at the same time.

you both laugh, "it's just like the movies, oh my gosh that was so corny."

luka replies, "it was corny, but definitely cute. however it was overrated."

as you plop down on the grass, luka sits next to you, looking up at the night sky

"it sure is pretty out here" you say, looking at luka

luka, in a moment of being bold, looks down at you "yeah but it's even prettier with you next to me"

you turn a little bit pink before silence emerges for a little while

"luka?" "hm?" "how will i get back to the hotel?"

he looks at you, not even considering that.

"well, i might as well drive you there, but what time is it anyways?"

"2:00 am. we've been sitting out here for 4 hours."

"yikes, guess we really do need to go."

luka packs up what's leftover and quickly moves over to the car, in which you hop in the passenger seat again

he immediately sets off to your hotel after you set the place into his google maps.

on the long way to the hotel you fall asleep, leaving luka alone with his thoughts

you were super cute and balanced out his reason with a sarcastic personality.

he stared at you, admiring you, before looking back into the road

before long, he made it to your hotel, where he picked you up, managing to carry you to the elevator

you woke up after he stepped foot into the corridors leading to your room.

"luka, did you bring me here?" you say, half asleep.

"i carried you, i just hope that it didn't really hurt if i accidentally scraped against something-"

"nono, i'm just happy you brought me here."

after you made it to your door, you surprised luka with a peck on the cheek before making it into your room, where you plopped on the bed.

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