"Jo, I think you are assuming that the world will always be this way. Perhaps you need to find the right person to change it with," Addy offered, placing an arm around her sister as they rested in each other's presence. 


Jo placed her letter to Friedrich in her pocket, wanting to drop it off at the post office herself when she had the chance. Adeline was outside playing with Demi and Daisy as John and Meg took a much-needed break inside. 

Amy had arrived home with a large ring on her finger and the family rejoiced amidst their grief. Plans for a wedding were well underway, though Fred's family had much more influence as they offered to pay for most of it. 

"Aunt Addy, I love you," Daisy giggled, flinging her hands into the air so that Adeline would know she wanted to be picked up. Addy's heart melted as she held her niece, tears daring to escape. 

"Daisy, you are so wonderful. Don't let anyone tell you differently! You are going to do great things, no matter what they are," Addy placed kisses along the girl's cheek and she squealed in joy. 

Laurie was watching from the porch, his heart soaring at the sight. He loved Adeline more than anything in the world and he desired nothing more than to make their own family so that he could be the Father he never had. He made his way slowly to her, watching as she placed Daisy on the ground and sent her off with Demi. 

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked, placing a hand gently on her waist. 

"Sure, give me a moment," she smiled warmly, grabbing Jo to watch the children while she let the family know where she was going. 

The two made their way through the forest near their house, both of them thinking fondly of the memories they shared here together. As soon as they were hidden by the trees, Laurie spun around, grabbing onto Adeline and pulling her close, placing his lips on hers. 

She swooned at the action, melting into his touch and enjoying their moment alone. She was unmistakably in love. 

"I love you," he whispered when they parted, and Adeline opened her eyes long enough to see the honesty and desperation in his eyes. 

"I know, and I love you too, Teddy," she smiled warmly, placing a warm hand on his cheek. He leaned into the touch, closing his eyes for a moment before standing up straight and grabbing her hand. 

"Let's go see the mailboxes! We haven't touched those in ages," he smiled cheekily, pulling Addy along as she giggled at his antics. 

"Okay, mister," she chuckled as he slowed their pace to a comfortable walk. 

"You know, you looked quite wonderful playing with Demi and Daisy. You're a natural," he winked, causing Addy to blush. 

"Thank you. I love them with my whole heart," she smiled thinking of her family. 

"So you want to have a family of your own one day?" He asked as they could see the mailbox in the distance. 

"Absolutely. I love children, though I wouldn't want to be left in the dust by my husband. He needs to be a family man right alongside me," Addy nodded, not noticing how lovingly Laurie was staring at her. 

"Of course. You need someone who can respect and support you," he nodded as they took the last few steps to the mailbox. It was just as they had left it, with the wood fading and the lock rusting slightly. 

"Why did you want to see this?" Adeline chuckled, turning back to Laurie who was holding his copy of the key out to her. 

"I want to see if there is something in it! I haven't been home for a very long time, perhaps one of you left me something wonderful," he smirked, watching as Addy giggled and took the key. 

"I highly doubt that-"

Her words fell suddenly as the lock turned and the door opened, revealing that the mailbox was not empty. Inside was a beautiful gold ring that had two pearls surrounding a small diamond, glimmering slightly in the sun of the day that escaped through the trees. Adeline gasped and spun around to face Laurie, who was now on one knee with the largest grin on his face ever. 

"Theodore Laurence-" Addy couldn't even get any other words out as tears filled her eyes and her hands began to shake. Laurie grabbed them both, holding them close as his own eyes began to fill with tears. 

"Adeline March, there is nothing in this world that I want more than a life with you. I have spent too much time away from your love to go another moment without the promise of it. Will you do me the great honour of becoming my wife?" He asked, and Addy could hear the trembling in his voice. He was terrified. 

"Teddy-" Adeline gave one final laugh mixed with her tears before vigorously shaking her head yes. He leaped from the ground, grabbing her in a tight hold while giving her the sweetest kiss. He gently let go with one arm, reaching for the ring in the box and grabbing it, bringing it back between them. 

"That is one beautiful ring," Addy chuckled, wiping some tears from her eyes. 

"It reminded me of you," Laurie smiled, gently taking her left hand and placing it on her ring finger. Her heart skipped a beat as she admired how it looked on her hand before turning back to Laurie, wrapping her arms around his neck. 

"A lifetime of Teddy Laurence, whatever will I do?" She smiled cheekily as Laurie placed a few soft kisses on her cheek. 

"I could think of a few things-"

"Theodore!" She gasped, smacking him away before running back in the direction of the March house. Laurie chased after his soon-to-be wife with the largest smile, watching as she burst through the door and screamed the news to the unsuspecting March family. 

The house exploded with all sorts of reactions, some tears, some screams, some laughter. They gathered around the newly engaged couple with joy as everything felt right in the world. Even without her real-world family, Adeline felt like this was the life she was always meant to live. She couldn't explain it, but it felt right in a way that calmed any of her fear about what the future would hold. 

AN: Two in one night? Rip, I guess I'm into it lol 

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