Roommates | Illumi

Start from the beginning

He picked Gittarackur. He hesitated a bit in his answer but ended up picking truth. It seemed like Hisoka had already had a question in mind because he prompted Gittarackur immediately "What do you think of [Y/N]?"

You were a bit taken aback by his question for Gittarackur. I mean the two of you had just met?

quite....attractive" the words were broken but you could still sense the shyness behind them. You blushed a bit but quickly shook it off.

"Well ahem-" you coughed awkwardly as you stood up to walk away "this was fun but I'm going to go see what that ninja dude and other contestants are up too, see if they're a threat"

You quickly made your exit unsure of what to make of the situation 'So much for a harmless game...that was interesting' you thought to yourself


It was finally the end of the third phase. So long Trick Tower!!

You all were taken to an all old stationed ship. The two I front of you wre an older woman and an older man, they looked like grandparents. Apparently the Hunter Association was giving us 3 days to rest before the next phase officially started. 'Suspicious' you thought.

They said that they ran a hotel and thrift store. Since their hotel rooms were astronomically expensive they prompted contestants to trade treasure for their room instead of money. So, monkey do as monkey told-we all spent the day scavenging for some type of treasure in the surrounding ocean filled with sunken ships.

Majority of the contestants traded for a room no problem, well almost no problem.....they forced everyone to share rooms.

"Please I'm begging you I can't sleep in this room" you tried asking the old lady manager of the hotel to switch your room but she refused.

"I'm sorry there's nothing I can do maybe you can switch with someone else?" She suggested sweetly but useless for you.

You groaned and were ready to start cussing out an old lady when Tonpa walked by "I'll switch with you!" He said eagerly. You were about to to question him since you weren't necessarily fond of Tonpa the Rookie Crusher, but decided you'd take your chances.

"Deal" you exchanged keys and immediately headed for your new room.

Once at the door you realized that his roommate could've been much worse than yours....but then again what's worse than snakes? You held your breath as you unlocked the door hoping to find a normal roommate on the other side. To your surprised it was Gittarackur.

You sighed in relief although Gittarackur looked at you with a confused look. "What happened to the chubby man?" He asked.

"I'm guessing the needles got to him" you laughed, pointing at your face in reference to the pins sticking out of his. "I switched with him because my roommate filled the room with snakes. And I do not do snakes. Im glad you're my new roommate though!"

There was a semi-uncomfortable silence between you two upon noticing that there was only one bed in the room despite the two of you being assigned to it.

As the sun set the two of you got ready for bed. Your routine was normal...Gittarackur on the other hand was odd. You didn't mean to see what you did, but the door was open slightly so you couldn't help but peak in.

While in the bathroom preparing for bed Gittarackur had taken the pins out of his face. The pins must've morphed his face because without them....well he was kind of beautiful. His face was much more petite and paler in color too, his eyes dark and sunken. Most different was his hair, that atrocious hair style turned into beautiful long black hair that seemed silky and soft to touch. You didn't even notice you were staring so intently until you accidentally dropped your brush 'shit' you thought to yourself.

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