A Normal School Day

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As I sit down under the table of the empty study room my eyes shift to the door, he's here. I glance for a moment before going back to what I was doing before— reading. Once the book starts getting good I reach for my coffee only to realize... it's not there?

My hands fumble around some more before I finally decide to give up. I look up with an annoyed expression as I mutter under my breath "The hell-" I pause as I come face-to-face with him. Dark irises that resemble the midsummer's night sky and brilliant fluffy pink hair. As soft and as light as cotton candy itself.

He inches closer to me with that annoyingly pretty face as I look him deadpan in the eyes.

"Hi!" He greets me as chipper as ever, but sadly I don't muster up the same energy with my response which consisted plainly of "...my coffee."

Even though my voice was as monotone as it could be, he still grinned as if he heard the most pleasant good morning he'd ever received. My frown deepens as I once again am forced to look at his brilliantly sculpted face with his dumb freckles and even dumber dimples.

...I hate him.

Before I could start to zone out about how much I hated his cute face, I noticed something new, something shiny.

Without any reservations, I grab his face with both my hands and draw him closer, making the distance between us even smaller than before. His eyes widen with shock and he squirms as I look deeply at the new piercing in his bottom lip.

"WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" His voice cracks by the end of the sentence as he frantically moves back to his original spot, just like a cat who's been sprayed with water. His eyes are now misty and his cheeks start to redden.


Fuck! He just looks so cute like this! It makes me want to bully him some more!

He starts to tidy himself up as my thoughts slowly return to normal. I passively comment "You got a new piercing, when?"

He immediately perks up as he excitedly responds; "You noticed?" I can almost picture fluffy pink ears and a wagging tail as he waits patiently for me to reply. It takes a moment for me to stop being distracted by his looks, but when I finally do, I notice how he's hugging my coffee cup as if it were a pet.

I gently take back my mug from his arms as I respond, "Looks good on you."

Good is an understatement! Now he looks both cute and sexy at the same time. How the hell is that even possible?!

Ugh, I give up.

I go back to my previously comfy position under the table and pick up my Kindle once again without paying much attention to him. This seems to bother him as he immediately squishes inside the cramped space underneath the desk to sit next to me. Once he settles in, he rests his head on my shoulder as he asks what I'm reading. I pay no mind to his actions even though I can imagine just how uncomfortable it must be since he is about a head taller than me.

"It's a novel about a hermit witch and a royal knight falling in love."

He hums in acknowledgment as I take a sip of my cappuccino while adjusting my glasses before nestling into a more comfortable position and closing his eyes.

As he rests, I can't help but admire him once again... damn it! He's so much prettier than me!

We spend the rest of our free period like this, however, I still make sure to wake him up before the bell rings as we both have to head to class.

We spend the rest of our free period like this, however, I still make sure to wake him up before the bell rings as we both have to head to class

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Author's note: Hi! This is trix speaking, this story is just a collection of one shots centering around a lovely duo of lovesick idiots. I hope you enjoy as you embark on this refreshing journey with me~

Also! If anyone is interested in the book mentioned... It's called "Hello, I am a witch and my crush wants me to make a love potion!" It is a really cute light novel with a manga adaptation as well <3

See you soon!


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