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When NuNew wakes up, he feels Zee gently messing with his hair. While His head is laying on Zee's shoulder. They're close and it reminds him of what they did the previous night, causing him to blush a dark shade of red. As he tries to hide his face from Zee, using the blanket. Which only earns him a quiet chuckle. " Feeling shy, are we now " Zee says quietly.

" I feel so embarrassed by how I was acting last night " he whispers quietly, making Zee lightly laugh. " No need to be embarrassed. I was just making you feel good " Zee says quietly. " Hia, don't tease me " he says. " Ok, Ok. I won't. But there's something I'm curious about " Zee says, pulling him closer. " What " he quietly asks. " Why were you initiating it " Zee asks him. " You made me feel so happy yesterday. I wanted to make you happy as well " he admits quietly, voice barley coming out in a whisper.

" Oh, you definitely made me happy. My beautiful queen " Zee says teasingly. He lightly hits Zee's arm as he says " Hia, stop it ". Only earning himself quiet laughter from Zee. " You're just to fun to tease, darling " Zee says before giving him a gentle kiss on his forehead. " Of course you think that. I still can't believe you teased me in front of everyone in the kingdom " he says. " What did I do " Zee asks knowingly.

             " You said I'd be a good mother. You flustered me in front of everyone Hia " he says, making Zee burst into laughter. " Oh my god. You're annoying " he says as he moves away from Zee. Only to quickly be pulled back by Zee. " In my defense, you handled that situation incredibly well. Especially for never being around a little kid before " Zee says. " I was worried. The guards looked like they were going to hurt him. He was little and just wanted to give me a gift. And his poor mother, she looked terrified for her boy " he says as he looks at the bracelet on his hand.

" I didn't have enough time to react but when I think about the situation, I would be worried to. I'm not to used to children as well. There's rarely any in the castle " Zee says. " What do all the mothers do with their children when they work for the palace " he asks a little worried. A child shouldn't be away from their mother for a long time. It's important for them to bond.

" I'm not to sure. I think the children stay back at wherever they live in the kingdom. I certainly don't see them around the castle grounds at all " Zee says. " That's horrible. They should be able to bring their children. At least let them be in some room. So they can check up on them. Whenever they have the free time. It's not good for a child to be away from their mother for a long time " he says, expressing his concern to Zee.

" Then what shall we do, my queen " Zee asks him with a gentle smile. " I'm not allowed to give my input in such situations. That's what I was told " he says, remembering everything that happened in the room with the previous king. " Darling. You are the queen. The kingdom needs both a king and queen to rule the kingdom. It's the kings job to handle the direct orders. As well as manage all of the guards. They're meant to be stern but kind as well " Zee says before starting to gently play with his hair again.

" The queens job is dealing with anything that involves empathy and compassion. A queen is a gentle ruler. They check on the food and living situation for the kingdom. And make sure that everything is fair. So that the people are happy " Zee gently explains to him. He takes a deep breath as he remembers that Zee is the king now. Not his father.

" What if, we are to create a small section of rooms for the children of palace workers. We can hire people who have experience handling children, giving more people the chance at a job. While also creating a space for the workers to visit the children whenever they're not doing many task " he quietly suggest. Zee smiles at him. " I love that idea. As will the palace workers. When we get back, we can put this plan into action " Zee says gently.

" The first thing I'd like to do when we get back. Is to send some of your most trusted guards to my village like you have said we will. The sooner the better. I cannot imagine my village and parents. How worried they are. I'll need to write a letter to send with. To let them know I ok and what's happening " he says. " Of course. If you are eager, we can leave today. We will get another rest day at the palace still. Before our official duty starts as king and queen. How does that sound " Zee says.

" But you had prepared for this trip for us, Hia " he says. " Darling, it would make me happier to know you are at ease. We can always plan to come here a different time " Zee says gently. He bites his lip as he sits up. Zee prepared everything for him. It would be nice to see everything Zee had planned. However, it's been a few days and not only his parents but entire village must be worried sick like him. It's such a hard and difficult choice to make. He wishes he could just do both.

Zee sits up next to him and says " You have been worried sick about your parents and village darling. The most I had planned for this trip was flying with Blaze and Violet. Which we could easily do another time, if we do wish to do so ". He takes a deep breath before coming to a decision. " If its truly no harm to your plan. Then I'll greatly appreciate being able to send guards to my village to check on everything " he says quietly.

" I mean the truth. When I say there's nothing more then flying. So let us get dressed before heading back " Zee says as he stands up. " Alright " he says, standing up as well. Zee walks over towards a table, grabbing a pair of clothes. " This is for you to wear darling " Zee says, holding out the clothes towards him. So he walks over and grabs them. " Thank you Hia " he says before walking into the bathroom.

Once inside, he quickly changes into the clothes. Once he's done, he looks down at himself. He's wearing a pair of red shorts that go down to his lower thighs. For the top, he's wearing a white tank top with a red unbuttoned shirt. It looks nice. Zee or whoever chose this outfit, did a good job. When he walks back into the room, he sees Zee is a similar outfit. Only his shorts are black. While he's wearing no tank top. His shirt has 3 of the buttons undone.

" I like your outfit Hia. It makes you look handsome " he says, walking over towards Zee. Who pulls him into a tight hug. " I like your outfit as well. You look beautiful in it. Red suits you darling " Zee says. He smiles as Zee leans down and gives him a quick and gentle kiss. " Are you ready, darling " Zee asks. So he nods his head before Zee gently guided him out of the house and towards the cave where their dragons are.

             As soon as they reach the cave, Blaze and Violet are walking towards them. " Hi, girl. How'd you sleep " he says quietly as he gently pets Violets snout. He gets a quiet purr from her as a response, making him smile. " We're going to head back towards the castle " he says quietly before he turns towards Zee, watching as he gently pets Blaze. When Violet chuffs, he turns back to look at her, seeing her laying down. To let him get on top of her. " Thank you Violet " he says as he gets on her before holding onto the fur of her neck.

             " Ready " he hears Zee asks. So he turns to look towards him and says " Yes, I'm ready Hia ". He then watches as Blaze takes off flying towards the castle grounds. Only a few seconds later, Violet takes off flying as well.


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