The capture, The escape, The attack

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Hymir's P.O.V
         The trip to my sister's base was extremely uncomfortable. The stupid viking that suggested bringing toothless and I had me tied up and hanging by his dragon's neck, while toothpaste was being carried by the delinquent ridden zippleback. Bud still had the dragon root arrow in his shoulder as well. With each minute, I got more and more annoyed by this group of riders. The only reason I was here was to get my sister to give into her berserker blood. Once I've done that, I'll be in the wind once again.
            After hours of flying, we finally made it to the edge. I was thrown roughly to the ground along with toothless who was now fully unconscious. I got up and ran to his side with my swords drawn. 
            "If any of you hooligans so much as touch my dragon again, the only thing that will save you is Odin himself." I said as my swords lit on fire.

No one's P.O.V.
          The dragon riders stood in shock at the strange boy they had brought to their island. He looked at his dragon worriedly as though it were going to die of something.

Heather's P.O.V.
         My eyes travelled to the dragons shoulder. Something seemed to be lodged in it. An arrow of some sort. I took a step forward but stopped when I saw the rider glare at me. He must really care about his dragon. "Relax. I just to pull that arrow looking thing off him." Saying this made him visually relax. I walked up to the knocked out night fury and gripped the arrow. His eyes shot open, scaring me but not enough to make me move. With one sharp tug, I pulled the arrow out as a deafening roar of pain echoed throughout the stables on dragons edge. The dragon still looked limp, but nuzzled me with his nose after many tries. The rider went from looking to murder us, to concern, to weariness over this short period of time. Not long after his dragon went back into a deep sleep, the rider put out his fire swords and put them away. 

________________________________________________________________________________Hey! sorry for the short chapter. I'll make it up to you guys eventually!


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