Chapter Ten: Befuddling

Start from the beginning

That was Varian. Was he crying? Hugo's heart sank. Maybe the news about his thieving days hadn't gone over as well as he thought. Approaching cautiously, he hesitated outside the door then pushed through.

His eyes reacted before his brain.

Varian, with his bottoms missing, screeched when he saw him, his hand flying off himself. "Hugo!"

Shoulders shooting up to his ears, in one movement, the blond retreated and slammed the door shut with a loud wham! before yelling, "Sorry, sorry! Shit, sorry, Varian!"

"N-no, no, no need to apologize. You surprised me is all."

"I'll just... use the other bathroom then—"


His body screeched to a halt. "Uh, yeah?"

There was a very long pause. "Will you assist me?"

His heart stopped, all the blood pumping somewhere else instead. He took his own time replying. "S-sure." Without further thought, he slipped his shirt over his head, cast it aside and reentered the bathroom tentatively.

Blue eyes were on him, and he tried not to stare too much at the naked lower half. "Forgive me for not having some semblance of self-control during your short absence." Hugo's hands found his waist as the prince talked. "I have been without a partner for a while."

"Well, you have me." He lifted the corners of Varian's shirt, sliding it upward. "I go solo quite a bit too, you know."

"Really?" Varian took his shirt the rest of the way off then did not hesitate in finding the buttons on the front of Hugo's pants. "Perhaps we can assist each other then."

Lips parting, Hugo exhaled lightly before putting those same lips on Varian's. He was unceremoniously shoved into the wall behind him as his pants were dragged downward.


"Oh, Hugo..." The prince wrapped his arms around his neck. "Will you have me?"

"Yes. Yes, yes." There was no restraint as his hands wandered over the small frame.

Something glittered in those blue eyes. "I am yours, Hugo. Body and soul. Now kiss me before I find a different use for my mouth."

His entire visage flushed. "T-that doesn't sound too bad."

"Hmpf. Be warned, many of my past partners have deemed me insatiable."

"That's alright," he exhaled. "You can always just fuck yourself in my bathroom if you need more."

"Hugo!" He received a hit to the arm.

He snickered, about to quip again when a sudden heat and wetness overtook him below, and his words dissolved into pathetic whines.


Birds chirped outside, and Hugo wished they'd shut the fuck up already. He curled in closer around the naked prince in his arms.

The naked...


Eyes flashed open and he stared at a sleepy Varian who blinked at him groggily, clearly having just woken up as well.

"Hugo? Oh, that is you, Darling." Drawing closer, Varian stroked his face dotingly. "I thought perhaps I had dreamed it all up." He laid a kiss to his lips, then another, and another until they were well and truly lip-locked. Wrapping a leg around his waist, he rocked their hips together. 

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