Chapter Ten: Befuddling

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Writing up a check at the kitchen table, Hugo sighed. "I better get this to the bank before it closes. Why don't you shower and relax til I get back, Varian."

"I could accompany you," he offered, curiously watching him sign and date the slip of paper. 

"No, I need someone at the house in case she's using this as a ruse to take more of my stuff. Can't believe I'm parting with the coffee table..."

"Oh, alright. I will remain here."

"It'll only take like half an hour, okay?"

He nodded, then frowned. "Hugo, what did Donella mean by claiming you are a thief?"

"Huh?" He hesitated with the check half in his pocket. "Oh. It's... nothing."

"It is not nothing. Hugo, are you dishonest in your workings?"

"What? No! I mean... I used to be." He glanced to the side shamefully. "Don has always been a big-time con woman, and when she adopted me, she taught me how to swindle people too."


"Take advantage of. Mostly stealing."

"Oh dear."

"I know. It was wrong. When I got older, I realized how I was affecting people and didn't like it, so I vowed to put that all behind me. I haven't stolen in years. I swear."

He looked him over carefully. "I believe you."

"You do?"

"Of course. I am glad to hear you have changed your ways and... I trust you, Hugo."

His insides lifted. "You trust me?"

A hand slid over his face. "I do. Now, you should depart so that you may return swiftly."

"I will. I'll be back before you know it."

"Mm." He nodded sadly.

"Hey," he leaned down, gently kissing him on the mouth. "We can continue where we left off when I return, hm?" He bounced his eyebrows up and down.

Varian stared, then took his face in his hands and locked lips again, pushing Hugo up against the kitchen chair. When he pulled away, he brought Hugo's bottom lip with him before letting go. Coy blue eyes flicked up at him. "You should not tease me."

Words weren't exactly coming. "Oh, hah, y-yeah. Fuck."

"I patiently await your return. Do not tarry."

Blinking through the haze, he nodded slowly as Varian took a step back. "Y-yeah. See you soon." Giving a bewildered exhale, he regained his bearings before making his way to the door. 

"As your era says, 'see you later,'" Varian called, and Hugo turned to catch the flirtatious wink.

He blushed. "See ya."

A moment later, he sat in his car and just breathed for a moment, fanning himself. 

Varian could be so... so befuddling.


The front door quietly swung open as a flustered Hugo stepped through. "Damn woman and her damn money..." he mumbled, setting his phone to silent after sending a final text to Donella. "Like I'm not already doing her a favor. She has to pester me every five minutes on top of it..."

"Varian, I'm home," he added in a louder voice, and closed the door. There was no answer so he assumed the man must be showering.

Removing his shoes, he shed his jacket and headed to the bedroom to change. He was expecting to hear the sounds of the pipes full of running water but paused at what he heard instead. Small gasps echoed inside the bathroom. 

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