Chapter One: A Medieval UTI

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Hugo pulled out a pair of binoculars from his bag, homing in on the medieval town below while lying on his stomach. He laid inside a historical tent he'd stollen a few weeks ago from one of the townspeople, the animal skin flaps open for him to look out past. 

So far, he hadn't been noticed yet, blending in without too much trouble. Getting food and clean water was difficult, but he'd found a pawn shop to sell some of his odd modern things off for coin, and he had a water purifier from his camping kit he'd brought with him. His glasses were stored away, since the present-day style would draw too much attention, and he'd already suffered through weeks of disposable contact lenses. His usual ponytail was down so the blond hair would cover his undercut and helix piercing.

It was nice, chilling in his own little quiet space, getting the most accurate information possible for his thesis project. At this point, he didn't even care if he ever finished the damn paper or not. Just being able to see for himself how people lived in 16th century Old Corona made him giddy beyond all reasoning.

He glanced over at the little foldable table beside him where sat a strange, small golden chest with rose carvings on it. It hummed and glowed, and Hugo still couldn't comprehend its power. Odd his adopted mother just had the thing lying around in her basement.

There was a cry from the town below, and Hugo's eyes snapped back to his binoculars. Green eyes widened as he saw the long line of armored castle guards marching down the street in front of an ornate carriage being pulled by four white horses.

The royal entourage was causing quite a disturbance as people came out of their houses to greet it. Many carried buckets of water forward, raising them over their heads while shouting. 

Hugo squinted at the outrage. He'd learned by now that the townspeople had been drinking infected water for months, not yet realizing in this time period that purification was a thing that was important. Many had died already, and the kingdom was in quite the turmoil. The blond set down the binoculars and pulled out his laptop which was connected to a portable battery he'd brought along. Grinning in delight, he typed away as he watched the drama go down.

This would be perfect for the sixth chapter of his paper!

After a while, he looked up with his binoculars again, seeing that the carriage had stopped. Hugo gaped as the king himself stepped out. "Oh, shit," he whispered. "Things must be serious if he's all the way out here." The monarch began making a speech, but Hugo couldn't hear a word of it.

He bit his lip. He really wanted to get in on the tea. Hesitating only a moment longer, he sprung up, and gathered a few of his research things. Throwing a tattered hood over his head that he'd bought in a costume store in the modern world for like five dollars, he made his way down the hill and over a cobblestone path.

After several minutes, he was at the bottom, pushing through the crowd to get closer to the king. Now in earshot, he discreetly pulled out his phone and began recording.

"...It has been brought to the crown's attention that the people of Corona are suffering at the hands of a great curse brought by the devil himself. Something foul has come upon this land and for a reason we know not. Have great sins and lasciviousness been committed by the king's people of late to bring down God's wrath?"

There was a grave pause as everyone gazed at the lavishly dressed man seriously. 

"Your Highness," an older man stepped forward. "Perhaps it is that women's skirt lengths have shortened the past decade, and this has made God angry."

Hugo snorted as several people murmured in agreement.

"Cover the virgins that man may not be tempted!" a sour looking woman shouted. "Save the eyes of our pure young men."

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