Chapter Eight: Taking the Plunge

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Hugo caught Varian by the arm as he swayed slightly, preventing him from falling over. "You alright? Maybe we should have done the bumper cars first or something..."

"No, no." The prince waved his hand, standing on his own now. "It is quite alright."

"So, did you enjoy it at all or—"

"Hell no. I was convinced of my own inevitable demise numerous times."

"Oh." He rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah. Sorry about that."

"Do not apologize." The way Varian gently grabbed Hugo's upper arm made a small shiver shoot up his spine. "There is still so much more for us to enjoy, and I am glad I get to experience this with you, Hugo."

"You sure?"

"Am I someone you expect false flattery from?" The sassy expression made him laugh.

"Definitely not. Oh! You like ice cream, don't you?"

"I do indeed."

"Well, I have an experience for you! Come on!" Taking him by the elbow, he led him over to a stand with pictures of plastic cups filled with what looked like colored beads in them displayed on the front.

"DippingDots?" Varian questioned, reading the sign.

"It's ice cream but... little dots!" He beamed at him, and Varian looked up, blinking in response.

"That's ice cream? How do they do that?"

"Dry ice, I think. It freezes things super quick."

"I see. You know, in my era it is very difficult to have frozen treats. To think everyone here simply has access to these frozen boxes... It is revolutionary."

"Yeah, we're a bit privileged, huh? What's your favorite flavor of ice cream then?"

"Rosewater," he said dreamily, "or nutmeg. You know, I had violet ice cream once and it was delightful. Do you think they have that flavor here?"

"Oh, um... Wow. I didn't even know violets were edible. I don't know about those flavors, but it looks like they have blue raspberry."

"Blue? Blue raspberries grow in this world? Why am I not surprised..."

"No," he gave a short laugh, "it's the flavor blueberry and raspberry put together. Blue raspberries do sound cool though."

"Blueberry and raspberry would be delightful!" There were stars in his eyes. "I will have that flavor, yes." Hugo considered him for a second then smiled.

It was their turn next in line, and after grabbing their frozen dots, they went to a small table with an umbrella over it and sat.

"They're like little rocks," Varian exclaimed, moving the bright blue pebbles around with his spoon. "How wonderful!" He took a bite and his eyes widened. "Oh! That nips at my tongue! My, the flavors in your world are so very intense."

"You don't like it?"

"Quite the opposite! I find it simply delectable. Thank you for offering this to me. What flavor are you having?"

"Cookie dough. You wanna try?" He pushed his cup slightly towards him.

The prince dipped his spoon in and tried a small amount, licking his lips and thinking for a minute. "That does taste like cookies. May I have some more?"

He exhaled quickly. "Sure, but only if you let me try yours."

"Yes, of course. Open up then." Scooping up some of the blue dots, Varian held the portion to Hugo's mouth. Blinking for half a second, the blond accepted it, feeling heat spread over his nose. Dark eyelashes fluttered downward as blue eyes examined Hugo's lips. "You like it?" he asked softly.

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