Chapter Five: The Art of Bathing

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Hugo walked into his apartment carrying several of Varian's shopping bags full of clothes. Setting them on the ground, he collapsed onto the couch, staring at the ceiling in disbelief.

"Sixty-thousand dollars," he mumbled, "and that's just the deposit. Fuck me."

"Hugo. My things need brought to my room," the prince complained, "or, I suppose your room."

"You can call it your room," he said dreamily, "hell, you can call whatever you want here yours. You practically own me now. Call me your bitch."

He gasped, biting back a laugh. "Hugo! Do not talk about yourself in such a way! Ack! My teeth. I did not like that oral doctor you had me go to today. What was it you called it again?"

"The dentist?"

"Yes. What are cavities anyway?"

"When your teeth rot and need fillings. Can't believe they got you in the same day. You have another appointment in a few weeks to get a crown and some fillings."

He groaned. "What misery and woe that will be."

"Hey, you actually have great teeth considering. It's surprising you have all of them honestly."

"I have always valued cleaning my teeth. Anyway, I require your assistance."

"Oh, right." He hopped up and scooped up the many bags lying around. "You found a lot of things you like."

"Oh, yes. I wish to go tomorrow as well."

"I can't tomorrow. I have work."

"Work?" He halted in his tracks, looking back at him in shock. "Whatever for? You have money now and I already informed you I would grant you more."

He blinked rapidly. "What are you saying? You think I should quit my job?"

"Do you enjoy your work there?"

"Hell no. I hate that fucking place."

"Well then..." He made a knowing face before walking ahead and setting the bags on the bed.

"Yeah. True." Hugo set the rest of the things down, thinking. "Though, should I quit? Maybe that's not the best idea..."

"Hugo, if you cannot find work here, I can hire you in my era. In fact, you could simply live as a scholar in the castle if you wish. I would of course, need to smooth things over with my father, but I can settle that. Not to worry. I see no reason for you to work when you neither enjoy it nor need the monetary value that it grants."

He nodded slowly. "Yeah... Yeah, you're right. Fuck that job." He grinned. "I'm just going to work on my research from now on."


"I'm gonna quit." He exhaled a laugh. "I'm gonna quit! In fact," he pulled up his phone and began typing up a quick text, "I'll do it right now. I'm allowed to be happy. I deserve this."

"That is correct. You do deserve it."

He sent the message and threw the phone down on the bed, his face splitting into a big smile. "Oh, Prince Varian," he grabbed him by the upper arms, beaming down at him, "I can't believe it. I... this is crazy!"

Varian gripped him back, beaming in return. "I am happy for you, Hugo. Truly."

He laughed, pulling him into a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you! Fuck, I'm so happy. I can't believe this..."

The prince giggled, holding him in return. "Twas nothing, really."

"It was everything," he said in a muffled voice as he gripped him harder. "I've been so worried about rent and finishing my research. You have no idea what this means to me." He exhaled a shuddering breath, realizing tears had begun sliding down his face at the enormity of it all.

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