Chapter 33 (Emily) - What Energy?

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Laura had told me that to reach the parking lot, I would have to just follow the path. It was so narrow that from any distance away, you wouldn’t have known it was even there. Surprisingly, it was well-maintained and covered with fresh pieces of tree bark. Idly I wondered what it was used for normally. The sleeveless dark green dress I wore wasn’t the best choice of clothes. Why hadn’t I put on a proper winter coat? I got multiple scratches to my arms and legs when I had to push through thorny bushes that sometimes completely covered the way. At least my little dress was the kind that hugs your body. Otherwise, it would have gotten stuck in the thorns.

After a short while, I saw in the distance the faint glow of a lone lamp that was desperately trying to illuminate the parking lot. Laura had said that the lamp pole was right where the path ended. Like a secret signpost.

Tobacco! Somebody was smoking near enough for me to smell it. I quickly dove to the side of the path and hid under the branches.

‘Jonas, did you hear that?’

‘It’s just a fox. Or maybe a rabbit. Or both.’

‘Hey Emily, is that you?’

‘Stop being stupid, Alex!’

‘What? Harry told us that—’

‘Shhh! If she’s here, you’ll scare her away. Here kittykittykitty we won’t bite!’

Alex and Jonas? Did they know each other? And why were they lurking here in the dark? What did Harry got to do with it? I lay perfectly still. One of them put on a military-grade flashlight and shone it on the thick bushes. I quickly closed my eyes. If these idiots wanted to blind themselves, let them. Then they definitely wouldn’t see me.

‘A car is coming! Turn off the light!’

Alex started cussing loudly, and Jonas told him to keep his mouth shut.

‘Let’s just wait.’

A phone rang. I almost peed in my pants because, for a fleeting moment, I thought it was mine.

‘We are here, but some John just pulled up to the parking lot,’ Jonas said. He lowered the phone. ‘Harry told us to hold off for now. He doesn’t want any unnecessary mess he needs to clean up later. He says that Claire can—What? Say that again? No, she’s not here yet—What MI5 agent?’

‘Well, I’m not going to freeze here for nothing! And if Emily comes now, we might lose her,’ Alex muttered very audibly. ‘I’m going to go to check it out.’

‘You bloody idiot. Not you, Harry. Alex! Get back here! Damn! Harry, I’m going to hang up now. I have to go after Alex.’

Jonas quickly caught up with Alex, and after some shadow dancing and arm-waving, they started creeping towards the parking lot. A moment later, I felt my phone vibrate. Robert was asking where I was. I texted him that two men were sneaking towards him through the bushes. As I was turning the phone on silent, I got another message. It was from Laura. ‘Your mother is on her way here! Stop and come back here quickly!’

I looked through my messages. Mother had not sent me anything, so why was she texting with Laura? I thought for a moment of turning back, but I was so close, and you all know how hard it is for me to abandon a mission. I got up and started tiptoeing after Alex and Jonas. Remembering what Rebecca had said after the last time I had been sneaking in the dark, I picked up a thick branch that was rotting on the ground.

Robert had stopped at the edge of the parking lot, far away from the lamp post. I saw Jonas and Alex approaching him cautiously along the edge of the thorny bushes. Robert must have seen them also because he came out of the car.

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