In another part of the city, Jaune sees a squad of Sutherlands firing their Assault Rifles at him. Jaune dodges them by zooming left and right in the sky. But he notices one thing about the Sutherlands

Jaune: 'It seems from what I can observe from the Sutherlands, their firepower is just the basic infantry Knightmare Frame. It seems the Black Arms didn't want to waste that much of their resources on the White Fang'

Jaune lands on the ground and deploys the Landspinner Propulsion System as he began skating on the ground. As he does that, he equips the Maser Vibration Sword (MVS), a squad of Sutherlands roll up to him and equip a Battle Axe.

The Lancelot siN began spinning around in the ground before Jaune fires a Slash Harken at one of the Arcadian Transport Ships that flew over him, causing him to fly up in the air. He quickly maneuvers behind the Sutherland and slashes it in half, the Sutherlands appear and attack Jaune with their Battle Axe as he maneuvers around them.

He falls back as the Sutherlands gave chase, they ended up in the streets as Jaune turns the Knightmare Frame around and sees the Sutherlands still giving chase.

Jaune: Come on then, let's see what you guys are made off.

Jaune speeds through with the Lancelot siN, he looks at the screen on his cockpit to see two Sutherlands armed with Battle Axes and one with dual swords.

He quickly speeds forward as one Sutherland fires it's assault rifle at Jaune, he zig zags back and forth from house to house, avoiding the rain of bullets heading for him. Once he was able to flank them, the main Sutherland heads in armed with it's sword and went for the attack, Jaune blocks it's strike and looks towards the Sutherland firing it's assault rifle.

Jaune uses the Strike Harkens and hits the assault rifle, forcing the Sutherland to let it go. The weapon explodes in the air as Jaune speeds towards it, the Sutherland quickly equips it's axe as Jaune delivers a slash that cuts it's arm off. After that, he goes for another strike that hits the Sutherland, then he jumps in the air to deliver another strike that cuts the Sutherland in half.

He turns around to see the other Sutherland moving fast, Jaune blocks it's attack but it sent him back by a few feet as he began dodging the Sutherland's sword strikes. The Sutherland went in for another strike as Jaune dodges it by moving down and took this opportunity to slice the weapon off. He delivers a strike that sends the Sutherland flying.

Suddenly, his Knightmare Frame was grabbed by the Slash Harkens and turns around to see the last Sutherland, he slashes the harkens off and fires back his own. He zooms towards the Sutherland, slicing it's leg off, as it falls to the ground. Jaune stabs the Sutherland in the chest, causing an explosion.

Jaune uses his scanners and zooms in on another area of the city to see more Sutherlands armed with Jousting Lances and squads of Ghedo Vakkas

Jaune: Isabel could use some help over here.

Isabel: Already on it.

Jaune looks up to the sky to see another Knightmare Frame heading in to battle. This is the Mahoroba Type-0.

 This is the Mahoroba Type-0

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