Chapter 14

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In the City of Kuo Kuana, the White Fang, with the help of the Black Arms, fortified the entire city and placed turrets and defenses all over the area. The Black Arms didn't want to supply the White Fang with that much of their resources, since they know they are incapable of using them, so they opted to give them a bullet proof vest and their guns.

The Black Arms Officer looks through his binoculars to see the Arcadian Attack Force is making it's way to the City, he gestures the men to get ready as all of the defenses are aimed and ready to fire.

Jaune is in the Lancelot siN, it is using the Energy Wing System to keep itself in the air. He looks through the screen in the cockpit to see that he has detected multiple enemy gun emplacements all around the area.

Jaune: All Units be advised, we have numerous Sutherlands and Ghedo Vakkas headed our way. Proceed with caution and don't let these guys get the jump on you!

He looks to his right to see a Knightmare Frame flying beside him, that is the Nagid Shu Mane, piloted by his Teammate, Furlan Church.

He looks to his right to see a Knightmare Frame flying beside him, that is the Nagid Shu Mane, piloted by his Teammate, Furlan Church

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Jaune: Furlan, lead your squad and destroy the Ghedo Vakkas, I'll deal with the Sutherlands.

Furlan: Copy that.

In the Streets of Kuo Kuana, swarms of Ghedo Vakkas aim their Mounted Cannons at the Arcadians as explosions erupt all around the sky.

In the Streets of Kuo Kuana, swarms of Ghedo Vakkas aim their Mounted Cannons at the Arcadians as explosions erupt all around the sky

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Jaune, Furlan, and all of the Vincent Wards scatter and began engaging the Black Arms and the White Fang. Furlan began hovering above the ground and flying to the squad of Ghedo Vakkas. He equips the sword and began slicing the Knightmare Frames into pieces. The Ghedo Vakkas began moving around trying to find an opening or to flank Furlan.

He sees this and quickly zooms past them, the Nagid Shu Mane has an ability called Megistos Omega, it amplifies the Knightmare's abilities, giving it even greater speed and creating an "afterimage" effect, both while stationary and in motion. This feature puts a heavy burden on the pilot. But that issue was removed, although it did cause problems for the original pilot.

Furlan continues to speed around them as he uses the shields mounted on its shoulders to cut the Knightmare Frame's cannons. Once he has done that, he quickly aimed the Assault Rifle and blew them into pieces.

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