Chapter 10

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Jaune: I'm not ready for this.

Right now, Jaune is in his room in the Royal Arcadian Cruiser as he is getting ready for the Beacon Dance. His sisters and childhood friend, Lily are there to help him look good for his date.

Saphron: Don't be such a baby. If you're not ready for a simple night out to a Dance, then I can't imagine what you will be like in your wedding.

Violet A: Saph's right you know, if you're freaking out here, chances are you are going to freak out more in your wedding day.

Jaune: Shut up! I won't freak out during my wedding! If I did, Violet will kill me!!

Lily: But we all know you're going to cry like a little bitch when you see her walking down the aisle.

Jaune: That I will.

Everyone: 'He didn't deny it one bit'

Jaune: Also, is this all really necessary? I have a shit ton of suits back home. Why can't I just use those instead of you guys making me a new one?

Aqua: It's because you are the Emperor of Arcadia, Jaune. You need to look presentable in front of everyone and you can't just use a suit you have in your closet.

Jaune: But all of my suits already look good. There's no point in giving me a new one.

Saphorn: Oh, we know Jaune. It's Mom and Grandma's request that you look handsome in the pictures, especially with Violet.

Jaune: Of course they would want that, typical of them.

They hear a knock on the door as Rosemary went to answer it and saw Violet, along with Lena. They step inside as Jaune sees his beautiful fiancé in a nice white and blue dress, he can even see some small gold jewelry etched in the dress as well.

Jaune: Hello Violet, you look as beautiful as the day I first laid my eyes on you.

Lily: Oh brother, not this again.

As Lily rolls her eyes and the same goes for the Arc Sisters at the couple's flirting.

Violet: I believe the same thing can be said for you Jaune, you look devilishly handsome as usual.

Jaune: It's part of my charm.

Lily: At least you're lucky Jaune that Violet doesn't look like a Whale in that dress.

Lily was met with a punch to the gut, courtesy of Violet E. Lily falls to the floor in pain.

Violet E: Shut up. Don't piss me off.

Bianca goes up to Olivia and whispers to her.

Bianca: Pregnant mood swings, no doubt.

Olivia: Yup.

Lean: So, did Ozpin made sure the Beacon Dance is fit to your highness' standards?

Bianca: Of course, we even had our guys help set up the Ballroom just for this one big event, can't have Jaune over here be bored out of his mind.

Aqua: Is security ramped up in the Academy as well?

Lily: Yup, an entire Battalion of Royal Guards will be in the Ballroom watching every move. We even have a Legion of Arcadian Shock Troopers patrolling the halls of Beacon.

Lena: And the same can be said for the Crocea Mors Legion.

Aqua: Good, can't have anyone pulling something.

Jaune: And the only thing that has to happen is the infiltration with Cinder and Alistair. We can not have anyone else interfere or even jeopardize this mission, this is our only shot in capturing them.

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