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"okay, here's your food" heeseung smiled at chaeyon. he handed her chopsticks and a spoon.

it was silent, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more of a comforting silence. the two sat there next to eachother, enjoying the view while eating together. it was calming and peaceful. chaeyon felt butterflies in her stomach because of the fact that she could see heeseung staring and admiring her from the corner of her eyes. chaeyon took her phone out and played her playlist.

when i'm away from you,
i'm happier than ever.

"you know," heeseung started, which caught the attention of the girl "i like you" he said.


"i think i love you actually"

"what makes you think that?"

"i dont know." he said. chaeyon was looking at him, while he was staring out the window. he didn't want to make eye contact with her because he was afraid. it's not some romantic, special confession like he planned. everything just spilled out of his mouth. maybe he was too excited to be with her, that his feelings just came out. "it's just a sudden feeling. everything you did just made my heart flutter. i want to be there for you when you're sick, when you're sad, when you're happy. when i'm in practice or away from you, i'm always curious if you ate, if you're sleeping, if you're happy, or if you're sad."


"i really really love you, chaeyon. i will hold your shopping bags if you ever get tired, i can eat your leftovers if you can't finish them, i will switch shoes with you when yours are too uncomfortable to wear even if it's ridiculously small or hard to walk in, i will give you my jacket when you're cold, i will take care of you when you're sick, i can buy you a hundred designer bags if it means i can get a hug from you, i can brag the fact that you're my girlfriend to the public all day, i can and i will do anything for you, Shin chaeyon. so can i please be your boyfriend?"

hearing his confession made chaeyon's heart flutter. no one nas ever confessed to her like that.

she leaned in to kiss him. wrapping her arms, around his neck while his's around her waist. she could feel him smiling into the kiss.


"yes, you can."

ミ★ together | HEESEUNG ☔︎︎ミWhere stories live. Discover now