Tae: Mr.Wang is here...He wants to talk to you.
Jackson: yeah ik..give him the phone already!
*Taehyung gave the phone to Mr.wang with speaker on*
Mr.Wang: Jackson..?
Jackson: d-dad..I wanted to say this to you earlier but I was not ready... I'm sorry.
Tae (in mind): what's with him? suddenly soo soft..? *Sighs*
Mr.Wang: just because of you I did this all...and now you're saying this...am I not close enough to you that you're afraid to say this to me directly.
Jackson: it's not that.. actually I don't wanted to-
Mr.Wang: shut up!
Jackson: huh? D-dad.
Mr.Wang: I don't want to know anything more...I just want to see you happy..with yoona!
Jackson: you know?
*Y/n stood up and came near them.*
Y/n: I told him everything sorry I didn't kept you promise Jackson.
Jackson: it's ok...that was actually good for me..I didn't need to explain anything more.
Y/n: so now if you both don't mind then let us get married please!!
Jackson: oh sorry for that.! Also I need to tell you something Taehyung...so turn off the speaker of the phone.
Tae: ok I did..now say..
Jackson: don't find me and yoona at the hotel.
Tae: you both left already?
Jackson: umm..we are busy doing something..yk right...you also enjoy your first night dude! Bye!
Tae: *sighs*

Mr.Wang: let me join you..but I feel bad now... I'm very sorry to you y/n for what I did to your parents I'm really very sorry!
Tae: what do he mean?
*Y/n told him everything*
Mr.Wang: please forgive me..I didn't thought very much and did that.
Y/n: sorry I can't forgive you but I'll act like I don't know anything as if this never happened.
Mr.Wang: it's making me more sad but okey...it's was my fault and I accept that.
Tae: Then I think it's time for us to go..! It's not that late..I can't wait anymore to make you mine forever y/n!
Y/n: let's go then!

*They went to the hotel and they both fixed their makeup and dress in 10mins.*

*Taehyung and y/n were waiting for the door to open so that he'll walk with her down the aisle holding hands together...The door opened and they both walked towards aisle and Taehyung helped her to get on the stage as they both stand near the priest and he started the rituals.*

Priest: you both are ready to assume the obligations and duties before God, so you both unite your hands and pledge your love and your lives to each other.
Groom, repeat after me.

I Kim Taehyung, take you, Min Y/n, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow.
*Taehyung repeated one by one after the priest.*
Priest: Now Bride, please repeat after me.

I Min Y/n, take you, Kim Taehyung, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow.
*Y/n did as he said*
Priest: Now you both will exchange rings as a symbol of the lifelong commitment and abiding love which you as husband and wife have promised to each other.
*Taehyung & y/n both nodded and smiled while looking at each other.*

Priest: Groom, please place the ring on y/n's finger, and repeat after me.
"I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness."
*Taehyung hold her left hand and placed the ring and said what he told to*
Priest: And Bride, please place the ring on Taehyung's finger and repeat after me. "I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness."
*She also did everything and everyone started to clap for them as Taehyung's parents were so happy, tears were flowing from his mom's eyes.*

Priest: Now you can kiss the bride.
*Taehyung's smile grows more bigger as he hold her waist, pulling her close..he kissed her immediately while everyone was clapping and cheering for them...after that they cut the cake and the party and all.*

*Guests were leaving as the wedding was over..Taehyung had to meet them again...After sending everyone home including his parents..he came to y/n who was sitting on the chair waiting for him.*
Tae: I'm really tired now.
Y/n: already..? *With teasing expression.*
Tae: don't worry..I've extra energy already saved for that. *Winks*
Y/n: but I'm tried. *Innocent puppy eyes blinking continuously*
Tae: not that...I'll not let you go tonight! I'm not going to let this night go waste...*Smirks* let's go to home now, I can't wait anymore.
Y/n: my legs are hurting as I was standing on this high heels so much..I don't think I can walk anymore..
Tae: then what am I for!
*Saying this Taehyung immediately picked her up in bridal style and started to walk towards the car.*
Y/n: But you were tired earlier..where did you get so much strength from?
Tae: you're my healer baby! I'm not tired if it's for you.
Y/n: your words can make anyone fall for you...I see why yoona also.
Tae: *chuckles* but I'm only yours now.
Y/n: I'm lucky. *Laugh*
*They reached as Taehyung made her sit on the front seat and then drived to home..and again he lifted her up and went to their room and placed her on the bed.*
Y/n: Um this room is looking so beautiful.
Tae: I told our maids to decorate before leaving...I can't believe you're FINALLY mine!!!
Y/n: how many more time are you gonna say that!
Tae: i'll never get tired of this!
*Taehyung hovers over her.*
Tae: let's make this night unforgettable.
*He kissed her as she kissed him back..he switched off the light with his left hand as the switch board was near the bed..he broke the kiss.*
Tae: Can I?
Y/n: yes honey~
*And the night was long, full of love.*


Author: let them enjoy (privacy yk)...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS STORY, LOVE U ALL💗And I'm too lazy to write anymore, I'm tired and sleepy too..good night!

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