~Birthday Or Date~

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Tae: I talk nicely for a while, and you always forget how much a bastard I'm...You already know I'm gonna force you for everything means everything... *Smirks*


Y/n: Tae!!! Where are all the servants!?
Tae: Suddenly..? Why are you asking about them?
Y/n: it's morning!
Tae: So?
Y/n: What do you mean by SO?! I want coffee now!!
Tae: Y/n yaa *yawns* let me sleep , don't you think it's so early huh!?
Y/n: Where are they!?
Tae: today is their holiday...
Y/n: why? *disappointed*
Tae: because today is something special, And I let everyone off so that they can rest today because tomorrow they have to work a lot...!
Y/n: What's today which is more important than my coffee..?
Tae: wow You don't know!?! don't act like a fool honey...!
Y/n: What is the date?
Tae: 7...
Y/n: *awkward smile* M-my b-bi..
Tae: yes your Birthday honey! happy birthday!
Y/n: *gulp* y-you mean tomorrow-
Tae: yes we're going to marry each other...and then you'll be mine legally..!
Y/n: Wth!? I'm not ready yet!!!
Tae: idc...anyways I'm so excited for tomorrow.
Y/n: But taehyung!!! please....
Tae: oh your coffee? ok then let me make it for my baby..!

*Taehyung went to the kitchen ignoring what she said.*

Y/n: aishhhh..!! I thought he'll forget about it but he was always so ready to marry me..! But I don't hate him like before-
Tae: here is your coffee miss!
Y/n: I don't want coffee anymore...
Tae: what? do you know how much I put my love and hardwork in it!? you've to drink it no matter what! Also it's so rare to drink a coffee made by The Kim Taehyung!! anyways it's made by your soon to be husband!
Y/n: I'd rather drink coffee than listen to you talking so much..
*She took the cup from his hand and started drinking but he was staring at her the whole time*
Y/n: w-what now?
Tae: oh come on y/n!! it was my first time..!
Y/n: So you want compliment?
Tae: I mean I don't want but if you want then you can-
Y/n: ohk then leave it..
Tae: *disappointed face* y/naaa...
Y/n: *chuckled at his cuteness* It's so good taehyung..! Thank you for this tasty and rare coffee made by The Kim Taehyung!
Tae: oh no need to thank your husband. *winks*
Y/n (in mind): ah again this husband shit..!
*Taehyung sat next to her*
Tae: Now tell me what do you want to do today! Consider it as your birthday gift or our first date..!
Y/n: I want to-
Tae: shopping?
Y/n: no-
Tae: then theatre?
Y/n: no-
Tae: then it's amusement park I bet!
Y/n: *done look* taehyung!!
Tae: ok...
Y/n: actually I want to meet my parents...It's been a long time since I met them...
Tae: oh ohk...
Y/n (in mind): just say 1 time taehyung...just 1 time that you don't have any relation to my parents death.. please...I want to listen it from your mouth...just once!
Tae: ok I'll take you there...
Y/n: ...

*Both were walking to the place where her parents were buried also she was holding flowers.*
Tae: the place is nearby...
Y/n: hm
*Both reached and she put the flowers on the ground near them.*
Y/n: I miss u mom and dad...
*Tears were in her eyes while taehyung was standing there waiting for her...she looked at taehyung, wipes her tears and smiled.*
Y/n: thanks taehyung.
Tae: Are you okey now..? so can we-
Y/n: yes let's go...
Tae: first let me talk to your parents also.!
Y/n: about what?
Tae: Mom dad I want you to know that I'm marring you daughter tomorrow and I want your blessings... I'll always love her and take care of her like you both always do..! thank you!
Y/n (in mind): It's impossible for me to believe that he killed my parents... anyways Not gonna lie but he's such a good guy... *smiles*
Tae: let's go y/n! *smiles* So that's it? Don't you want to do anything else?
Y/n: ohk then first amusement park then theatre at night like you said!
Tae: umm...That a good idea! *smirks* Night at theatre~
Y/n: don't think to much!!
Tae: *laughing* No I'm not..! Actually it sounds so good..! And we'll go to beach at the evening.!
Y/n: wow It looks so beautiful you know! I really like beaches at evening!!
Tae (in mind): And I really like you~ *Smiles*

*Both went to the amusement park, She enjoyed very much... Taehyung was little afraid when he saw those big rides but she forced him to join her..when she was screaming with joy he was screaming with fear...And after trying many rides she said.*
Y/n: I enjoyed very much...actually it's my first time riding these cuz my parents did not allow me to ride on this big rides saying that it is dangerous..
Tae: *breathing heavily* I'm not in the right condition to hear your story right now!! And Your parents were right! Damn...I really thought I'm going to die! My body is here but my soul is still there!! my soul left my body when the ride started.!! *his heart was still pumping fast*
Y/n: well... it's not my fault, your heart is weak...
Tae: I can't win against you...see it's 6pm already..!
Y/n: Beach now!!
Tae: I'm tired..!
Y/n: *laughing* What happened Mr.Kim Taehyung! *teasing tone* you're already tired...then how are you going to handle me huh!?
Tae: *sigh* let's go to the beach...


*They were walking on the sand...the view was beautiful and dark, little cold air was flowing, moon was shining, making the atmosphere romantic.*
Y/n: I'm loving it!
Tae: I want to show you something..
Y/n: here?
Tae: yes...
*Taehyung hold her hand and started running.*
Y/n: Why so suddenly?
*He was pulling her...But taehyung stopped as well she...She saw a beautiful dinner table with a cake, the place was decorated with lights.*
Y/n: wow it's so cool! I'm jealous...
Tae: W-why?
Y/n: She is such a lucky girl to have a romantic boyfriend like this...
Tae: what do you mean?
Y/n: I mean LOOK whoever he is did this for her girlfriend..Soo Romantic..anyways let's go tae..!
Tae: *Disappointed* Really??? You're so dumb.!
Y/n: *angry* dumb!!?
Tae: Then what?? What are you talking about!? Can't you see!!
Y/n: see what?
Tae: aish..! *annoyed* I prepared this for YOU!!
Y/n: for m-me? oh i-im sorry taehyung!! I didn't mean to disappoint you... actually I thought it's someone else cuz today you were with me all the time, then when did you get the time to prepare this?
Tae: um it has a point but leave it! Cut this cake and then we'll have dinner...then theatre!
Y/n: *nodded* Thank you so much for making my birthday this special honey...
Tae: Ah welco- wait WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID???
Y/n: *ignoring* What?
Tae: *happily* say it again!!
Y/n: I don't remember anything....
Tae: Ahh!! y/naaa it's not fair!! I didn't heard it properly please..
Y/n: your bad luck...
Tae: *sigh* yeah my bad luck but anyway it felt good...!

*She cut the cake , both had dinner then they went to the theatre as planned.*
Y/n: so what movie we're going to watch!!?
Tae: romantic...
Y/n: I'm not interested...
Tae: horror..
Y/n: No, I'm scared of horror movies...!
Tae: *Whispered* that's why I said...At least because of that you will hold me...
Y/n: what are you whispering tae?
Tae: no nothing..um what about a thriller movie!!
Y/n: yesss...!!

*Both watched the movie and came outside the theatre...She was still eating popcorn...And was talking about the movie they just watched...She was so excited.*

Y/n: I'm really impressed with the movie!! I mean the the main lead actor was so hot!! Now I think I have a crush on him...Oh my godd!! His character was so cool!! the way he walks,talk... I'm so in love with him!!!
Tae: *sighs* yeah...Ik you liked his character...but can you shut up now I'm really tired and sleepy. *Yarns*
Y/n: I really enjoyed this day because of you tae..
Tae: I'm glad darling..!
Y/n: I walked so much today...my legs are hurting...
Tae: *smirks* your legs will hurt tomorrow too...
Y/n: why...?
Tae: Don't worry...not with pain but pleasure... *Winks*
Y/n: *sigh* no doubt you're were a pervert in college....
Tae: I was quite popular..

*both were on their way to the house.*
Tae: So you're ready to be my wife right...?
Y/n: ...
Tae: not yet?? Do you still not love me...?


Mafia's Princess||KTH ff|| ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن