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MARIANNA MORGAN, Derek Morgan, and Elle Greenaway were occupied teasing their mutual friend, Spencer Reid before Hotch comes in to say they have a case.

"We have bodies turning up on the state of Seattle and The Police Department has requested our help." Garcia says briefing

"Looks like overkill." Marianna states making most heads nod "Definitely overkill, The level of aggresiveness is actually insane" Jason Gideon says.

"Tell them we'll be there within the hour. Wheels up in 30" Hotch says making everyone get their go bags ready.

"Spence, You think you'll finally share the couch?" Marianna asks Spencer jokingly making him shake his head and continue getting ready. Marianna laughs before going to get a water.

The BAU is finally on the jet. Marianna is sitting on the couch with Spencer while his legs were sprawled on her lap while shes on her phone.

"Alright let's brief." Hotch says making Spencer sit up but keep his legs on Marianna. "The unsub is deorganized and unstable. Just based off this crime scene" Marianna concluded

"How can you tell?" Jason Gideon says testing her. "Based off the place of the wounds and the time of killings and don't forget overkill and there's also hesitation on the wounds" She says making everyone see she's correct.

"You can see all that based off a bloody picture?" Elle asks suprised "Well Yeah. The cuts look somewhat different from any experienced kill and the lines are jagged, Not from a different weapon but hesitation." She says before going back to the file.

"Marianna and Reid, I want you working the geographical profile and Elle, Jason and Derek, I want you to go the crime scenes while I will go to the station to get started" Hotch says making everyone nod

They land and The lead detective comes up to them immediately. "Hello, I'm Detective Kavinsky" He says shaking Hotch's hand.

"I'm Agent Hotchner, These are Agents Gideon, Morgan and Morgan, Reid, and Greenaway." Hotch says before Gideon corrects "Dr Reid and Dr Morgan" Hotch nods before the detective says "You dont look a day over 18"

"I'm 23..." Spencer says before wondering off to the empty room with the map while Marianna follows him. "Where are we gonna start pretty boy?" Marianna says mindlessly but Spencer takes it seriously, clearing his throat, he squeaks out "The first victim and we'll work our way up."

Marianna nods before seeing a pattern "Spence, All these crime scenes are a 5 mile radius of one another." She says before He calls Hotch.

"Hotch, Mars found out that all crime scenes are in a 5 mile radius." Spencer says before Marianna takes the phone " Which means maybe the unsub lives within a 5 mile radius" She says making Hotch agree then hang up

"I'm gonna call Garcia." Marianna says calling Penelope Garcia, The BAU's technical analyst. "Cee?" Marianna says hearing static "Hello My fine Mars Bar, What can I do you for?" Garica says making Marianna laugh "I need males who live within a 5 mile radius and they might have a criminal record" Marianna says

"I have 3." Garica says making Spencer gather everyone. "Who are they?". "One is Richard Morales. He was arrested for a DUI months ago but he's now locked up again for drinking and flashing a bunch of kids at the park" Garcia tells making everyone glance at eachother and shake their heads

"Whos the next Pen?" Marianna asks. "Martin Atlas. He was arrested for violating his parole but his parole was for abusing his spouse." Garcia says while they all shake their heads again.

"Last one?" Marianna says hopefully "Richard Slessman. He was arrested for holding a weapon illegally. He is now a prison guard" Garcia says while they all nod our heads.

"Thats our guy. Thanks Penny!" Marianna says before Garcia replies "Your Welcome my lovelies! Go kick some butt!" She hangs up before everyone clears to go to his house.

Spencer, Derek and Marianna all take the back while seeing the apartment was clear before they go to the bedroom and see the unsub. "Richard! FBI! Hands in the air!" Marianna says while the man complies. She hands him to Derek while Derek hands him to Gideon.

"Morgans and Reid, Search the house." Hotch says making the trio nod their head. Derek goes to the computer while Marianna and Spencer check out his CD tapes.

"Holy Shit! He has the Enter Sandman tape!" Marianna says opening to see it empty "What the fuck! I was gonna take it?" Spencer laughs before checking every tape to see them all full except the Metallica tape.

"Wait Spence I got it! It's in the computer!" Marianna exclaims making Spencer rush to Derek to get it. "What are you doing?" Derek asks confused "This is the only empty case" Spencer says pulling it out the CD.

"Reid.. What made you think of this." Derek says before Spencer says "It was all Mars." Marianna then says "If I was currently listening to something in my computer I wouldn't take it out."

"Alright. I'm an Insomniac who listens to Metallica to fall asleep, What song could possibly speak to me?" Derek asks. Marianna and Spencer glance at eachother before they say in unison "Enter Sandman."

Marianna then exclaims "Thats literally my favorite song! Am I crazy? " Spencer and Derek nod and laugh before getting back to work. "What!" Marianna exclaims.

Everyone else arrives and after awhile Spencer calls Marianna over "Mars look at this! Its Wei-Chi." He says making Marianna say "People can actually play this game?" "Whats Wei-Chi." Elle asks confused

"Its one of the hardest games ever. Its called Wei-Chi but here we call it go." Marianna explains to Elle. "Chairman Wao made his generals learn it" Gideon comments

"It looks like he was playing himself" Spencer says. "How can you tell?" Elle asks "It actually might cause an advantage. Go is typically a particularly psychological revaling game. There are different profiles for each player. The conservative point counter, The aggresor, the finneser." Marianna says

Hotch speaks up "What player is Slessman.?" Spencer and Marianna examine the board before once again saying in unison "The extreme agressor." Hotch and Gideon sigh before going out.

Derek gets into Slessmans computer seeing the victim. Marianna calls Hotch immediately. "Hotch.. She's alive" Marianna says making Hotch reply "How can you be sure?" "Because we're watching her right now"

"Hey Wait! Look at the last ten images." Spencer says making Derek do so. "The light is swaying, like its constantly moving." Spencer says before adding "It's like the earth is always moving "Not the earth Spence! They're on a boat" Marianna says repeating the information back to Hotch before they hang up.

Gideon and Elle find him while both the unsubs go into jail before The BAU leaves to go on the jet.

They go back onto the jet while Spencer immediately claims the couch making Marianna laugh. Spencer lays his head on Marianna's lap while she listens to music and tries to sleep.

As shes about to sleep, She feels someone tap her shoulder. She looks up to see Derek and Elle motioning to take off the headphones. She pulls off her headphones before saying "Yea?"

"Spencer must really like you. Genius is literally a whole germaphobe with everyone except you." Elle says emphasizing really while wiggling her eyebrows making Derek nod while smirking.

Marianna rolls her eyes before Hotch speaks up "Derek, leave your sister alone" "What about Elle?!" Derek says making Marianna immediately shush him "Shh! Spence is sleeping" Marianna says checking him just to see he's changing positions on her lap so he's facing the ceiling.

Derek and Elle rolls their eyes before doing their own thing while Marianna decides to go back to trying to sleep while playing in Spencers hair.

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