But still after even showing his everything on the performance he still got low points when jiwoong got high points with only few parts and showing his abs. Jongwoo really felt if he wasn't that perfect.

Hanbin couldn't get to meet matthew at the morning he was full busy at the morning that he got no time to meet his younger one.

The first round performance was over, the boys were so tired they all took a rest for a while in their room, some of them went to chit chat, some of them went to sleep

Matthew were in his room, none other roommates, matthew was alone then he heard a lovely voice asking him "where is zhanghao hyung??" It was gyuvin he asked matthew if he have saw him "oh zhanghao, I don't know" matthew said, gyuvin left afterwards

Hanbin was passing by he heard gyuvin asking for zhanghao "zhanghao?is he here" he stood there for a second then he heard matthew, he almost forgot that it was his room, he couldn't meet him at morning he was sleeping that time and he couldn't get time to meet him so he went in saw and talk to matthew, Matthew saw him coming in his face were bright and had a cute smile on his face once he saw hanbin.

"Hyung" matthew cutely called him hanbin run towards him in tiny
"You have to welcome your hyung, I just miss you" hanbin patting his hand
"Why you coming late?" Matthew asked with a pouty face
"I was busy sorry matthew"
"It's okay"
"How you doing? Eating well? Well you did so great today" hanbin complimented him
"You as well hyung, you nailed it" matthew smiled
"Thank you" hanbin chuckled
"Hyung" matthew
"I missed you, really so much" matthew were missing his hyung he couldn't say it but he took the courage and said he missed him
Hanbin ruffled matthew's hair when he said that
"I did too"

Hanbin and matthew talked for a while and then someone came in peeking in the room, it was kuanji he came in
"Hey" kuanji is someone who gets close to others easily
"Which team are you in?" Hanbin asked .
"Eh i'm in your team" kuanji sulked and was about to leave just for fun
"Hey hey" hanbin felt guilty but he was just joking around with him

After a while zhanghao came in, he got near hanbin and touched his arms it was super strong he looked amazed, matthew was actually feeling a bit jealous but he didn't showed it he rather kept it himself

One by one other boys were coming in, some were in other room some were in matthew's room. They all talked for a while, had funny talks and all

"Okay it's time to go now" jay was there too with their conversation

"Yes let's go" wumuti taking other out of the room so the members can sleep

"Bye matthew, sleep well hm" hanbin smiled before going
"You too" matthew felt really good and he was available to sleep well


The elimination day came

In between they had games for who they could be choosen as the best couple

They all had to choose the members who they could like to pair up with. Matthew was in other team so again he couldn't get to be with hanbin. In the end hanbin and haruto, matthew and keonhee

Some of them really tried hard doing the games, in the end hiroto and mingyu became the best couple

During the elimination round the all paired up partners came together to the hall. Some of them had funny intros some had lovely ones, hiroto and mingyu came at the last considered as the best couple

All of them took the seats, they all were tensed for the result. Some of them were worried as well. Matthew was worried also if he could survive. They started announcing. A lot of them got eliminated. Some of them were crying, some of them still had a straight face, some were still smiling through the pain they had. Matthew knew he is safe he was relieved about it.

All the remaining ranks were announcing. Matthew was worried because his name weren't called out "am I in top9 then?" He wondered "probably 9th rank"

They announced top3, matthew got hella worried because his name weren't called out till now, he thought he might had been eliminated but then

"Hanbin and matthew please come up to the stage" the host said
Matthew didn't know what was happening he came to the center along with hanbin
"The top 2 and top 1" the host said
"Top 1 and 2? Me? In top?" Matthew blinked for a while

Everybody was shocked because they met again together in the stage

Hanbin and matthew looked at each other and smile
"Remember our first day?" Hanbin asked
"I feel proud to be with you here, i'll never forget this" matthew chuckled at his hyung
"Me too" matthew

Hanbin called down wondering what position he will get. Matthew looked straight up he knew that he could place top2 he was happy for his hyung

"Seok Matthew you're competiting for rank 1 with your best friend hanbin" the host said
matthew didn't knew he just smiled at hanbin looking at him, hanbin was looking at the other side not showing his face to matthew
"How do you feel" the host asked

Matthew took the mic towards his mouth and faced to hanbin, he faced back
"I never saw this coming, when we sae boys planet review we talked about joining back then I just laughed I didn't think it'd be possible... Now that i'm really here.. Its my dream come true.. That's how it feels i'm touched" hanbin were looking like he could cry after hearing those words from him, matthew were crying as well.
"Don't cry" hanbin patting his shoulder

"Now hanbin" the host

Hanbin took a heavy breathe biting his lips it was kind of his habit to bite his lips. Matthew were crying that he could actually came through this along with his hyung hanbin

Hanbin started to talk "when I planned to be in boys planet with matthew we always said ' let's move towards our dreams' Matthew once again made me realize I wasn't wrong this is going to be a memorable day. Thank you!" Hanbin bowed
Matthew hugged him
"I feel like im going to cry" hanbin chuckled at himself
Matthew and hanbin held their hand
"Don't cry" hanbin wiped his tears, matthew chuckled at his hyung

Both were tensed at the result.. Will hanbin rank 1 again or not
The held their hands tightly letting it go the way it will

Hanbin looked at matthew and matthew smiled saying "i'm just happy to be here"

Both of them looked at the screen waiting for the rank to be announce
"1st place" the screen was showing it.
"Sung hanbin" Host

Everybody knew he will rank 1 again, matthew were happy for his hyung he knew his hyung could be top 1. He was just happy being in the same stage with hanbin at the time.

Matthew and hanbin hugged each other "congratulations again hyung"
"You too" they hugged each other
They both were glad for each other


A/N : Some of the scenes/ moments are unordered, forgive me for that

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