Chapter - 04

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Day of the first round

Everybody woke up early at the morning to practice before going to the stage, some of them didn't even slept they had been practicing for a whole day for the first round performance.

Matthew woke up early and got to keita's room to practice

Matthew walked towards his room, there were other members except him, Matthew asked kuanji keita's roommate where he could find keita.

"He went to practice room for practicing" kuanji said
"Oh okay, see you later" matthew went to the practice to check on keita, he was in the practice room with Zhanghao.

"Oh matthew you are here, come here" keita
Matthew walked in tiny and went towards them

"Good morning Keita hyung and Hao hyung"
"Good morning matthew" Hao smiled

"Okay now let's practice" keita started practicing along with the other two. Time had been going other members were coming in one by one. They all practiced till the end.


Hanbin woke up early in the morning, he couldn't get to talk to matthew so he thought of visiting him.

He went into their room silently not wanted to wake up others. They all were sleeping including matthew. He was on the top of the double bed he climbed the stairs and got him placed himself on the bed facing matthew.

"Aigoo, you will get cold this way" he mumbled not to wake him up, he slowly covered him up with the duvet.

"Sleep well" Hanbin smiled and was about to leave but then he felt a grip on his hand it was matthew holding onto hanbin's hand.

"Don't go hyung, stay" matthew said while sleeping, he was sleep talking
"Silly, missed me?" Hanbin chuckled "but you are sleeping, what am i supposed to do hm?" He patting his head softly, it became a habit of him now.
"I will be back when you wake up hm" He smiled and went to practice, he was the one to get on the practice room. He silently started practicing.


All the team done with the practicing and were getting ready for the performace. All of them had different styles and costumes. All of them looked so good some of them were cute, some were hot/sexy and handsome.

They all got into the basement, waiting for the show to start. K group and G group were the battle round. K groups were filled with koreans ans G group filled with foreigners (to those who don't know)

The first round started, all of them performed well some of them made mistakes cuz of nervousness, some of them nailed it like jihoo and jongwoo

Jongwoo got really high praises from the judges. Jiwoong selected him for the killing part for being the center of the group, jongwoo always wanted to perform on 'backdoor'. Jiwoong knew that jongwoo will do better than them all so he voted jongwoo to be the center.

K group Backdoor team performed well and got very high reactions and praises from both participants and judges. Everybody was in love with jongwoo's facial expression.

Hanbin and his team did well as same as the G group. Hui's high note was one of the highlight on the performance. Hui and hanbin duo seems to be really good.

The performance was over, it was announced that K group backdoor team will perform on studio choom

The whole team was so happy, they thanked jongwoo especially for being the highlight of the performance.

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