LIFE: sweet and sour.. #2

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Biding Mr. Hudson goodbye I stood up to exit. In my way stood Henry the jerk. Sometimes I wondered if he was a woman cause he couldn't live without a drama in his life. It's his life's motto to annoy me.

I walk a little faster just to avoid him. I was really not in mood to play a bickering match with him when I was already late.

"Leaving too soon shuga...?" He asked. He and his stupid nickname. Well earlier I used to love it but now there is a special hatred towards those 5 letter word.

Let me tell you the back story....

Mr Hudson and my father were best friends. After my father disappeared, mr. Hudson tried to help us but my mother being my mother she refused to take any help I.e refused to stay in the mansion. But she started to visit the mansion to look at the maintenance and would often take me with her. Then I met Henry , small little boy dark hair, blue eyes. He showed me all his toys , we used to spend all our time together. I think some where in that time I fell for him.

Last year on his birthday decided to let him know about my feelings for him but there I saw him kissing Lilith,the bitch of the town. Well obviously he had friends apart from me. I was the only one without friends except him. People talked to him to get the privilege of The Saved One and he enjoyed his famous status way too much. Girls wanted to marry him just to get safe.

This led our friendship to end. My love to be buried. He played with girls. But he treated me nicely. Well mostly because we have been friends like forever and he knows I am not after his money and status. For him I was just his friend but for me he was much more..... but he can't know.

"None of your business. " I replied.

"Don't be mean shuga, now come on give me a good night kiss" he said puckering his lips toward mine. I know where all this was going.

"Stay away from me Henry ,you disgust me."I said shoving him away.

"Thats not what you said that day."

Tears wheeled up in my eyes.


A few days before his 17th birthday he got drunk at a friend's party. I was there with him and I carried him back and that night was the night I truly realized I had fallen for him. And when I placed him on his bed he pulled me closer an started kissing me. I did not pull away I was enjoying way too much.

Next day .

He seemed to have forgotten . He behaved normally. I thought that it will not be a good idea to remind him. But after our fights increased after his birthday display. He started shoving those kisses down my throat. I fell numb to these fights but the kissing part always worked wonders


"Move out of my way Henry , I am going to meet Troy he must be waiting," that seemed to shut him off. Everyone knew Troy and I were getting married soon.

He was a good man who met me when Henry left and helped me out of my depression. And recently he asked me to marry him. I was not going to say no. Was I?

"Whatever" was Henry's reply. An emotion caught my eye. He seemed to be sad about it. He backed away and went inside. Leaving me alone, confused about his reaction.

So gathering myself up I walked out of the mansion and started moving towards the forest that lay between the mansion and my house(more like a hut).

This forest is not like the one with green trees but rather the one with dead trees and leaves. The war between the humans and dark world had destroyed everything and well our conditions were so bad that I had never seen sun my entire life like most of my generation. There was light but dark clouds and fog was always obscureing it.

"Serene, are you going to leave your fiancé alone."Troy had imerged out of the tree driving me back from my world of thoughts where I wanted to kill the dark powers starting will azazel first.

"Yup! I had been planning that" I said with a smirk.

"That hurts. Firstly I had been waiting for what seems like an hour for my future wife and what I hear is that she plans on ditiching me." He says with mock hurt.

Troy is tall and broad built. (Because of the lifting he does at the mill but strong nevertheless). Its always a sight to see him. Since in this world death can come any time I decided to get married sooner.

And with this man in my life I may not love him. But I know we will never fall apart. So I smiled.
He looked at me with those brown eyes, passing a hand through his dirty blond hair. He smiled . and thats how we say sorry.
I like him. He likes me. Its enough. Maybe ?
And so we walk towards our huts hand in hand. Never knowing what awaits us.

Well that took long. But I cannot help it. Wattpad had a problem it was not updating the whole chapter so I had to rewrite it. Hope you all like it.
This is just a filler the next chapter is the beginning of action. So behold your breath.....

Hehehe!! Not literally you may die ^_^ ;)

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