Chapter 10

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Heyo! I'm back, bitches! 😍 I had some exciting events at school this week and tomorrow's the last day, yay! Anyways, onto the story!

"You are not taking him!" Katsuki yelled again.

... what?

"W-what?" Izuku asked nervously.

Both Dominants looked over at him.

Katsuki looked at him lovingly again, and explained that Shoto heard about Izuku and wanted t o take him as his wife.

Izuku was utterly shocked. He stood off the bed and walked over to Shoto.

"I don't think I'll be going with you," Izuku said with confidence.

"You will come with me Flower," Shoto said I his Dominant voice.

Izuku flinched back and hit something hard.

He spun around, and it was Katsuki. Specifically his chest. Izuku was just tall enough to nuzzle his neck at the base, so he stuffed his face in Katsuki's chest.

"Look what you did to my Flower!" Katsuki yelled.

Izuku flinched once again.

Keep in mind, the door is still open.

The gurads gathered and came up the steps to the room the Flower was in and saw two Dominants, two kings, fighting and a scared Flower in the corner of the room.

"Sir! Your mate?" One of the guards said.

Both kings gasped and looked over to the crying Flower who was curled up in a corner and terrified.

(A/N Flowers get scared whenever a Domianant uses their Dominant Voice, so hearing so much yelling and Dominant Voices, yeah, he's gonna be scared!)

The two Dominants rushed over to him and tried to console him, but it wasn't working. Katsuki waved his hand and Shoto was dragged out of the temple in which Katsuki lives.

Katsuki moved Izuku to bed where he cried himself to sleep after Katsuki snuggled him and wrapped him in his scent.

'I dont think he knows he's a Flower yet... he will soon,' Katsuki thought.

He stopped thinking and just snuggled with Izuku until he fell asleep too.

Words: 380

Ohayo! I'm back, and I'm suffering from writer's block. I really need some suggestions, guys 😃! I'm seeing that this has, like, 115 views, and not ONE SINGLE comment. I'm honestly surprised 🤨! Don't be afraid to speak your mind! 😊 Anygays, get some food, water, and have a good day now!

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